Chapter 6 Pt. 2

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What the world really needs is more love and less paper work.


Echoes knocking on locked doors

All the laughter from before

I'd rather live out on the street

Than in this haunted memory

I've called the movers

Called the maids

We'll try to exorcise this place

Drag my mattress to the yard

Crumble tumble house of cards

This used to be a funhouse

But now it's full of evil clowns

It's time to start the countdown

I'm gonna burn it down down down

I'm gonna burn it down

Chapter 7


Thatcher was flirting around with Stacy as if there was nothing strange about his behavior whatsoever. Although Stacy was soon going to be a part of his family in less than two weeks. She was trying her best to ignore his advances, but pretty soon she folded under the pressure. I'm not sure I'd be able to stop myself from flirting right back, Thatcher was delicious, but he's too old for me.

"So Elspeth, what grade are you in?" Mr. Englend asked me.

I smiled sheepishly and covered some of my face with my dark hair as everyone turned their attention to me. "Well I'm going to be a freshman in college this upcoming school year." I explained.

His eyebrows rose in surprise and he cocked his head to the side, curious as to what college I'd be going to I suspect, "What college are you attending?"

"NC State, it's close to home and my friend also got accepted there." I answered and Riki smiled at me broadly her mouth full of crab leg since she was that friend. I grimaced and hoped that the conversation would turn away from me.

Too bad it didn't.

"What about your boyfriend?" he asked me amused. Mr. Englend's eyes danced dangerously and for a second he reminded me of his nephew Osias.

I looked over at Clay, who was grumpily eating his food after he had so expertly rubbed my feet. I was close to slumber as he rubbed the knots out of my phalanges and metatarsals. When he tried to stop I had to resist from calling out to him and saying, "Rub em biotch!" But there were adults here and I wanted to sustain my reputation within this family even if it's dropped immensely from the events that have happened in the last couple of days.

"He's not my boyfriend, just my roommate." I replied.

"Unfortunately." Clay grumbled, I poke him in the leg with my fork and he gave out a small grunt, narrowing his eyes at me from the pain.

That's right regret your words, regret.

Mrs. Englend seemed to see the exchange between us and a knowing smile lit up her face, "Aw, aren't young people so adorable darling?" she asked her husband- her face flushing. 

I swear the lady got drugged up on weed before she came here, she had been hyper every second of this meal, but I didn't mind, it was refreshing to have some new energy around here.

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