Chapter 15

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Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love.


The sun goes down
The stars come out
And all that counts
Is here and now
My universe will never be the same
I'm glad you came
I'm glad you came

You cast a spell on me, spell on me
You hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me
And I decided you look well on me, well on me
So let's go somewhere no-one else can see, you and me

Chapter 15

It seemed as if it had been days that I stayed in my room, eating only what was brought to me, reading books, and then sleeping for hours on end. I couldn't bring up the courage to leave my room in fear of what would happen when I did. It seemed like a fair amount of people in this mansion had a dislike for me and I didn't want to take the chance to face those people.

A knock sounded on the door and I groaned with no intention of opening the door whatsoever.

"Elspeth it's me." I heard from the other side of the door. The voice sounded oddly like my mother, but I didn't think that she would ever believe my struggles to be so important that she would go out of her way to come and talk to me.

She tried opening the door and I knew she was surprised when she was actually able to get inside. When she saw me sitting on my bed with a book splayed out by my side she breathed out a sigh of relief and warily walked towards me with a tray of lunch in her hands. It was now Wednesday and the wedding was going to be on Friday. 

It was hard to imagine that it had been almost two weeks already. So much had happened that it felt as if no time had passed at all.

Mom set the tray down by the foot of my bed, her worried gaze set on my face when she sat down beside me. "Elspeth? Are you alright dear?"

I nodded mutely. I was perfectly fine, I just didn't want to be here anymore. Once I was separated from the source of my sadness, then I will be able to get back to the Elspeth I once was.

"Well, Clay wants to speak with you." She offered but my eyes widened at her words. He was the last person I wanted to speak with.

"No, I don't want to even look at him right now. I just want to go home, Mom."

She nodded, "But we can't. I don't want to leave Hollis without a Maid of Honor and you would feel horrible about it later on."

She was right but that didn't mean that I wanted to actually listen and abide by her words of wisdom. "Did Riki tell you everything?" I asked her while my eyes stayed glued to the blazing fire. Mom looked over there as well, rustling in her seat from my side.

I could still smell that expensive perfume she's worn everyday of her life. And I knew that she was wearing one of her many pinstriped suits that has the matching suit jacket and skirt. Along with a pair of black or red pumps. I knew that her hair was perfectly straightened- not a stray hair out of place and her ears were graced with dainty pearl earrings to match her pearl necklace. That was my mother's daily attire and I didn't expect much of nothing else.

While she looked prim and proper, I was most likely dressed for a bus trip around the world. My hair was a mass of tangles and was too greasy for words and in need of a good wash. My clothes were baggy and unflattering, the light in my eyes dull and my complexion without any color.

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