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--Elspeth (1 Month Later) --

His loving gaze was piercing and I was finding it hard not to look away. "Clay..." I trailed off as he came closer, words becoming stuck in my throat as I found his proximity was making it hard for me to utter a word.

"Elspeth you do not know how long I have been waiting to do this." Clay whispered, his lips just a whisper away from mine. And then his head turned to the side, and my body stopped leaning into his as I realized that he was talking about the clay that he was kneading on the table before us.

"W-what?" I sputtered wondering how things had taken another course.

Clay shot me an award-winning smile as his hands continued to mold the clay without effort, "You know, I've always wanted to delve into my artsy side a bit more, don't you agree?" he asked.

"Uh, yeah sure." I murmured.

Yet as I watched his strong hands kned and mold the clay before him, I realized that he was starting to form a broken heart, the two pieces crumbling under the emotions that have deformed it's shape.

And when Clay's eyes locked with mine once more there was so much anger, regret, and agony hidden within those milky brown depths. "I don't think I'm alright anymore," he seethed before his hand grabbed the back of my neck and pulled my body to his.

I let out a startled scream yet my body still moulded to his without my consent while my arms wrapped around his neck instinctively. For whatever reason I couldn't seem to tear myself away from him, this man, this drug that I've come too accustomed to.

I moaned as he angrily devoured my lips, the kiss full of wild hunger and passion. His hands moved down to my hips, gripping my waist in his large hands to the point where it drew out a bit of pleasurable pai-

My eyes snapped open to the cieling of my dimly lit room and my heart was pounding with a light sheen of sweat coating my forehead. I tried to calm my breathing while I pulled the covers away from my body, trying to cool my body down.

And then I heard an audible thump and then a spiel of laughter. My eyebrows scrunched together wondering if this was the noise that had awaken me. The walls in my new apartment, which I shared with Riki, were a little too thin for my liking, and we tended to hear every bump and thump in the night. So without another thought, I started to jump out of my bed but stopped once I felt the arms wrapped around my waist.

I sighed when I remembered that Riven had slept over. Nothing happening between us of course but, our shift at the daycare was way too long and tiring for him to drive home.

Although the task was hard, I tried to unlock his fingers from around my waist, smiling once I accomplished my goal.

I headed towards my bedroom door, hearing Riven groan as he turned about in the bed.

Thoughts of my dream filled my mind as I headed for the front door. Every night this has happened. It seemed like I couldn't get a break, Clay would say the same thing over and over again, we would be happy and in love then the next second he's disturbed and mad. Then a frantic make-out session would follow that I am not to particularly fond of.

It was enough trying to keep him out of my thoughts every waking day, but to keep him out of my dreams was proving all the more difficult.

"What are you doing? Don't you know how to carry a couch through a door?" A voice asked from the other side of the door as I approached the white piece of wood.

I Do... Not Want Your Body (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now