Chapter 17

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Hey everyone! I just wanted to say thank you to all of the people who have recently fanned me! I know I haven't personally thanked you guys because I wanted to do it on here! So thank you everyone, I always feel so shocked whenever I get fanned but I really do appreciate it, you guys are amazing!! And to those who have stuck with this story and comment and vote are double amazing! You guys are the ones that push me into finishing the story, so thanks to you too. Happy Reading everyone! Hope you enjoy the chapter.

-heykay_23 xoxo


When love is not madness, it is not love.


You change your mind

Like a girl changes clothes

Yeah you, PMS

Like a bitch

I would know

And you over think

Always speak


I should know

That you're no good for me

Cause you're hot then you're cold

You're yes then you're no

You're in then you're out

You're up then you're down

You're wrong when it's right

It's black and it's white

We fight, we break up

We kiss, we make up

Chapter 17


I looked over at the cake Clay was stashing in the back of the van. I was worried that he would end up smudging some icing or maybe end up breaking off a corner, but so far he's been in the clear. Once he was done completing the task, he got into the passenger side and we were surrounded in silence. I felt as if I was suppose to say something about the kiss, as if I was suppose to explain why I pushed him away, but I kept my mouth closed and started towards home.

"I still don't know how you found your way here." Clay grumbled as he settled in his seat, trying to get comfortable.

I shrugged, "I just kept driving until we got back to humanity and then tried to remember the way from there. You just make it too complicated for yourself."

Because of my distant tone, all conversation seized and I rolled my eyes in annoyance, wincing as I felt a slight twinge of pain from the wound that was still on my forehead. It was starting to heal pretty well, but still pained me every now and then.

I sighed and then went along with the silence, trying not to think about how uncomfortable it all was.


"Finally!" A voice screamed at the car once we pulled into one of the many driveways. Both me and Clay got out of the car without a moment's hesitation and I was met by a furious Hollis.

"What took you so long? You almost missed the ceremony! God, I was this close to strangling your invisible self." Hollis screeched.

She still wasn't completely dressed, her hair finished and pinned up nicely with some soft curls cascading down her back and a couple of diamond-studded pins stuck into the blond mass. Although I was hardly bothered, if she wasn't in her wedding dress, I was assuming that we were still in the clear.

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