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"Ji... Jimin.. "

The room is dark and suddenly someone pull her hand and covered her mouth. Kei try to let herself go but that person already lock herself in his hug tigh. "Shhh.... its me... Jimin. You must hide here. Jinyoung will find you everywhere until he get you. I don't know why. He text me that he wanted to find you even he already let you go. " Jimin let Kei go and look down while play his foot. Kei sigh and covered his face. "what should I do know, Jimin?" Jimin smile but Kei still can see his smile. "Follow me go to Busan." Kei big her eyes. "Bu... Busan?" Jimin nod and take out his phone. "Don't worry. I already discuss with your grandfather and he just let me do. First, we will get marry next year at Busan that's mean we will go to Busan today. I already tell about our relationship at my parents. About my work I will settle it with my father. you okey with this?" Kei nod slowly. "I don't care about that but just one..." Jimin look at Kei. "What was that?" Kei cough a bit and play her finger. "well, did your parents not hate me?" Jimin shook his head and give her a hug. "You will understand.."

 'Too many thing I must understand it. From understand why my mom jealous at me. Second, must understand about Jimin. haish...'  Kei sigh. Yes. Too much! Kei hug Jimin back. Suddenly Jimin's phone is ringing. Jimin lifting the call without see the name on screen. "WHERE YOUR HIDE HER?!!!" Jimin smile and end the call. Kei look at Jimin. "Why you laugh, Jimin?" Kei lay on the bed while touch her belly. Jimin smile and change his position to sit on the bed beside Kei. "Nothing. Someone who is got a wrong number." Jimin lie. Kei not and close her eyes. "Yah.. don't sleep now. Did you forget that today we must go to Busan?" Kei open her eyes and quickly wake up. Jimin shook his head.


Jimin look at Kei who already sleep. Jimin stop his car when see some car. That was he grandma. Jimin smile and take out his phone. "Hello mom, can you get out? we already arrived." Jimin end the call. He parking his car beside his grandma's car. "Kei-ah~ we already arrived." Kei open her eyes. "Let's go.." Kei nod and get out from Jimin's car. Jimin take out Kei and his thing. Kei walk go to Jimin and help him but Jimin prevent her. "JIMINNN!!!!" Kei and Jimin turn their face at that voice. Jimin smile when see his parents and his grandma. Fortunately Kei's thing not too much. Jimin hold Kei's hand. Her grandma is really serious but when she get to know with something she will not to be serious. He know, Kei is too good to make people love her. 

 Jimin hug his mom first and then his grandma. Finally his dad. "Jimin, is that the girl that you mean?" Jimin nod and look at Kei. Kei smile and bow 90 degrees. "I'm sorry if make you all not comfort with me by the way, My name is Kim Jiyeon but I allow you to call me Kei." Kei bow again but this time is too long. Mrs. Park, Jimin's mom just smile and pull Kei to wake up. "You are a nice and beautiful girl, how lucky Jimin to have you. By the why, since you guys wanna get marry next week, I allow you to just call me mom and my husband dad." Kei nod and give them a sweet smile. "Me to... call me grandma only.." all of them look at Mrs. Sohyen, Jimin's grandma.

 "Mommy... are you sure?" Mrs. Sohyen nod and pull Kei to hug. Kei smile and hug her back. "My dear, you are the first person that Jimin give you key to entered his heart and you also the first girl that make you smile when see you. You are the nice girl like from heaven. please take good care of Jimin, okay?" Kei smile. "I'm understand, grandma... and thank you for give a chance" They all clap their hand. Jimin can't believe how his grandma treat Kei so well. Before this every girls who want to date with him will get a NICE scold by his grandma. 

  "Jimin, bring Kei go to the bedroom beside your bedroom. Okay?" Jimin nod and ask Kei to follow him. Kei nod and bow to them. They bow back and look each other. "She is really nice. I don't know where is she from but well I can't feel their love is so strong. We must protect them from others distrubing person and annoying person." Mrs. Sohyeon hold Mrs. Park and Mr. Park hand. They nod in unison. 

 Jimin open the bedroom and put Kei thing on the bed. "I want take a bath for awhile. If you need anything just ask maid, okay?" Kei nod and sit on the bed. Jimin ruffles Kei's hair before he go. After Jimin close the door, Kei start tidying her thing. 


 Suddenly someone the door. Kei stop tidying and rashly go to the door to open it. "Kei-ah, do you need some help?" Kei smile after see Mrs. Sohyen face. Kei actually need a help since her belly is a bit sick. "If is okay for you. Actually I want but my belly is hurt a bit." Mrs. Sohyen smile and rub Kei's shoulder. "Did your baby just fine?" Kei big her eyes. 'Whoah~ how could she know? Did Jimin already tell it to her?' Kei give a fake smile. Did she mad me? "Don't worry dear, Jimin already told me. You must be strong dear. Your situation is same with me. I will story with you later." Kei smile and take Mrs. Sohyen's hand. "I though you will kick me out. I'm not a bitch. This baby from the bad father. He married with me just because wanna ruined my life. He and his friends already make me hurt. I-- I don't know what must I do. But Jimin come at the time. He save me from the hell. I really thanked him. Grandma, I just have my grandma and my mom but well my dad said to me that, my own mom is really jealous to me. Grandma, please don't hate me.." Mrs. Sohyen hug Kei tightly when notice Kei's tear is fall. This young lady already got a pain. "Shhh... just let that go. You still young. Jimin is a nice person. Don't believe anything around you. Protect him as what he already protect you, okay?" Kei nod. Mrs. Sohyeon wipe Kei's tear.

 After done take a bath he kept go to Kei bedroom. Suddenly he heard someone is talk with Kei. He peek from the door. "Jimin is a nice person. Don't believe anything around you. Protect him as what he already protect you, okay?" Jimin smile. He knock the door. Quickly Kei turn her body and wipe the tears away. Jimin notice that but he ignore it. "Jimin, take Kei go to around this house..." Jimin nod his head and pull Kei to get out from the bedroom. "Lets go. I bring you go to my favourite place." Kei smile weakly. 





Save Me ; Park Jimin / 박지민 [re-edited]Where stories live. Discover now