Player In Town

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Concert night 

Dontae's P.O.V 


I was home getting ready for the concert while zah-hai and shauntae grilled me about what I was wearing, and why I'm such good luck. I tried to ignore it but they wouldn't let it go.

Dontae: *sigh* shut up! Damn, I am not good luck ok! 

Zah-hai: yeah you are. You always got the best things in school, at home, anywhere.  

Dontae: because I worked my ass off for what I wanted. 

Shauntae: and now look at you! Going to an august alsina concert! Lucky bitch! 

Dontae: ok I'm finna get dressed now 

Zah-hai: I still think....... 

Dontae: I am not wearing a dress! Jesus it's a concert, not the prom!

I walked into my room and started to get dressed. I put on my denim leggings, my orange crop top with the word 'superstar' in black across the front, and my orange and black nike dunks. I curled my hair and put on my black beanie with gold rhinestones decorating the front. I decided to wear my diamond peace earrings and my diamond eyebrow ring and my diamond rosary.  

I was asking myself why I wanted to dress up for a concert I didn't really want to go to. But I figured hey, I might as well go out there and show out. I mean what if I find a cute guy? I need to be on my sexy swag tonight.  

I walked out of my room and saw both of my friends looking at me with their mouths open.

Dontae; too much? 

Shauntae: I never seen you look like this girlie! 

Zah-hai: where you been hiding this sexy devil?? 

Dontae: in my closet with the rest of my birthday presents. I don't do this often 

Shauntae: aiight chick. Well go on and we'll see you after

We all walked out of my house together. Shauntae had nuvo for the night because I didn't know what time I'd be home. I hopped in my car and made my way to the concert.

At the concert

Ok this concert is packed! I'm so glad I got a front row seat. I got to my seat and saw there were three boys right next to me. I can't lie, they were looking fine!! As I took my place, the one closest to me looked me up and down before smirking at me.

Boy: how you doin? 

Dontae: pretty good. How you doing? 

boy: I'm chillin. What yo name is sweetie? 

Dontae: my name isn't sweetie, its dontae. 

Boy: aiight then miss dontae. I'm Malcolm, and this is my brother kodi and his best friend dekai. 

Dontae: nice to meet all of you.

As soon as I said that, the lights went dim and music started to play. The stage lights came on and out came august himself. I clapped while everyone else in the crowd hooped and hollered and cried out how much they loved him. I just laughed at all the girls freaking out over this dude and trying to get to him. About half an hour into the set, I was really enjoying myself. I love his music! I glanced around again to see a bunch of girls trying to get their panties off to throw them up at him. I just shook my head and turned back up to the stage while I sung along to the music. 

I looked right up at august to find that he was staring right at me singing ring the alarm.

August: *singing* 

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