Enough Of Atlanta

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Two weeks later 


Dontae's P.O.V

Dontae: can you please get out of the bathroom!! I need to go!! 

Kaydun: *walks out* for the zillionth time today. You need to get checked out bae. It could be serious 

Dontae: *in bathroom* I just drank a lot of water 

Kaydun: but you've been going a lot since we got back together 

Dontae: *washing hands* its nothing, I promise

I walked out and kissed kis lips for reassurance. I didn't tell him I was pregnant yet because I didn't want him to stress about anything. We just got back together and I didn't want him freaking out.  

Yeah, I said I wanted to go back to august but when I found out I was pregnant I thought it would be best for the baby if the mother and father were together. And since I was already married to him, I just decided to give it another shot.

Kaydun: ok? Well lets get the twins and head to the park 

Dontae: aiight, let me just grab Nuvo's leash and we can head out 

Kaydun: I'll get the kids

He walked out of the bedroom and I grabbed my bag, keys, the leash and went to pick up my phone before it started ringing. I looked at the screen and hesitated for a minute. I just remembered that I didn't tell august about me getting back with kaydun.

*phone convo* 

Dontae: hey aug. How you doing? 

August: I'm good. Just calling to check up on the kids 

Dontae: we headed to the park 

Akai: *runs in* mommy kari hit me with his cast! 

Akari: *runs in* she lyin!! 

August: cast? What cast? 

Dontae: oh, uh.....well he fell and broke his arm a few weeks ago 

August: and why I aint know nothing bout this? 

Dontae: I didn't want you worrying while you on the road. It's nothing you could have done about it 

August: I would have come to see that he was ok 

Dontae: another reason I didn't tell you. I don't want you canceling your shows 

August: hold up tae, when the twins were born you made me promise that these important things were something I'd always be there for. How you expect me to keep that promise when you don't even let me know my kids are hurt? 

Dontae:.....you right. I'm sorry august. I just, didn't think of it like that 

Akari: daddy kay said lets go 

August: daddy kay? Y-Y'all back together? 

Dontae: uhh....yeah. It happened two weeks ago 

August: oh. Well....I'm happy for y'all. Look I got a show to do so I'll just talk to you later aiight 

Dontae: aug I...... 


I knew it! I hurt him. Which is the last thing on my mind. I didn't want this to happen but I know that if I couldn't give my twins a chance with their real father, I'd do right by this one and stay with her daddy. Assuming it's a girl, that is.

Kaydun: *waving* earth to dontae! 

Dontae: huh? 

Kaydun: you ok babe? You zoned out again 

Bad Boy- An August Alsina StoryWhere stories live. Discover now