Where Are They?

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Three years later 

August P.O.V 


I can't believe its been three years since I've seen my kids. Dontae just packed up and left without telling anyone where she was going. She lets me skype the kids but if I even try and figure out where she is, she hangs up on me.  

I decided to ask around. I know her brother would know where she was. And if he didn't, her friends or staff would.

Marcus house

Marcus: I told you aug, I have no clue where she could be 

August: come on, she's your sister! She didn't tell you anything? 

Marcus: look, all I know is that her and the twins up and left. She calls from time to time but I never thought to ask 

August: why not? don't you wanna see them? 

Marcus: of course I do. But I know my sister. If you push, she shuts down. I've been down that road before and all it did was end up with me not seeing her for almost four years 

August: well its one thing for her to move away from y'all. it's another thing when she took my kids! Bro I aint seen my kids in three years! Do you know how hard that is? 

Marcus: I couldn't imagine. But I don't know any more than I've told you. Sorry man 

August: well, do you know some of her favorite places? 

Marcus: nah, I don't. I mean she's loved Bermuda ever since we was kids. But I doubt she would move there 

August: Bermuda? 

Marcus: my parents are from there. They moved to Atlanta when my mom was pregnant with me 

August: do you have family there? 

Marcus: yeah. My parents actually moved back there a few years back. Our whole family lives there. Well, most of them anyway. Some also live in Miami 

August: you think she told her friends? 

Marcus: their women. You can almost guarantee its come up in conversation 

August: aiight. Thanks man 

Marcus: I hope you find them. Let me know when you do. I miss tem too 

August: aiight I will

I dapped him up and left. I think I need to find shantae. I know her and dontae have been best friends since they were kids. Maybe she knows where she moved to. If I have to, I'll fly all around the world. I need to see my kids.

Marcus P.O.V

*phone convo* 

???: hey, what's up? 

Marcus: you owe me big time 

???: why, what I do? 

Marcus: I've never seen any guy so upset in my life. I still think your wrong for not telling him where you are 

Dontae: well I'm sorry. My life is fresh and new. Letting him know where we are is just gonna bring that old drama into my life. Which is what I don't need  

Marcus: but you have his kids! Tae that aint even fair. The man has a right to see his kids. If that was me..... 

Dontae: cry me a river. I've been selfless for so long. Trying to let both him and kaydun get their way. Now its time for me to be happy 

Marcus: I'm sorry tae. Next time he asks me, I'm telling him 

Dontae: marcus don't you dare! 

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