This Is What I Needed

737 21 1

One week later 



My kids and I left the airport and headed right to my moms house. The nerves started taking over and my first instinct was to turn this taxi around and get back on the plane. I mean I hadn't seen my parents since I was sixteen. I don't even know if my mom told my dad I was coming.  

Too late to turn back now. I arrived at my parents house and the car stopped. I paid the taxi driver and he dropped all my bags off at the door for me. I took a deep breath and raised my hand to knock but hesitated.

Akai: what's wrong ma? 

Dontae: just a....lil nervous 

Akari: why?  

Akahjae: who lives here?

I looked at my kids before I knocked three times. I waited for about three minutes before knocking another four times. I heard a dog bark and smiled to myself, remembering that familiar bark that I used to hear as a kid.

*door opens*

Catherine: *crying* hey baby 

Dontae: *crying * hi mama *hugs her* 

Akai: mumma who's this? 

Catherine: *lets go* mumma? Tae you got kids? 

Dontae: twins that just turned six, and a three year old 

Kids: hi *waves* 

Catherine: *hugs them* hey babies. I'm nana 

Akahjae: *kisses her* don't cry nana *wipes her eyes* its ok 

Catherine: come on. Lets get inside

We entered the house and brought our things in the room we were staying in. once our bags were set away, we were greeted by a old golden retriever that I used to love growing up. She surprisingly, remembered me and came up to say hi.

Dontae: hey jamie *pets her* you miss me? 

Akai: big dog *pets her* 

Akari: is this your dog mama? 

Dontae: she was 

Catherine: she got jamie when she was five years old 

Akahjae: she's an old doggie mumma 

???: a very old dog

My eyes widened at the sound of that voice. A voice I had almost forgotten. My eyes started to tear up as I slowly turned around to see my father. He looked at me with a blank expression at first. He motioned towards me until we were face to face. He examined me before he opened his mouth.

Damion: hello dontae 

Dontae: hey 

Damion: *hugs her tight* I missed you baby girl 

Dontae: *crying* I missed you too daddy 

Damion: *lets go* and who are these good looking children? 

Akai: I'm akai. This is my twin and my little brother 

Akari: I'm akari 

Akahjae: and I'm akahjae 

Damion: these your kids tae? 

Dontae: yeah. These are my monsters 

Damion: well don't just stand there. Come give grampa hugs

My kids wasted no time in running over to him and smothering him with hugs. He smiled as he hugged and kissed the kids. Once they let go, my mom decided now was the perfect time to show my kids some pictures of me and my family. Oh boy!

Bad Boy- An August Alsina StoryWhere stories live. Discover now