Starting Something

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Dontae's P.O.V

I breathed in and out heavily as I made my way to the door. I don't know why I'm feeling so nervous. I've already hung out with him and everything. There was a second knock on the door and that's when Nuvo started to bark and jump at the door. I picked him up and opened the door to see august there smirking at me. I can't lie, that smirk was sexy. I don't know what came over me but I had the sudden urge to kiss him. I was so glad when he walked right past me and sabotaged my opportunity.

August: so this is your place huh? Nice 

Dontae: yeah. Its not much but, you know, its home 

August: what you up to tonight? 

Dontae: nothing really. I mean I wasn't planning anything. Why? 

August: well, there's a party tonight at Compound. Tyga's having his album release party there and I was invited. You wanna come? 

Dontae: I'm not really the partying type. 

August: we could stay in if you want *touches arm* 

Dontae: I'll go get ready

August P.O.V

I think I'm wearing her down. I saw how she looked at me when she opened the door. She's starting to want me. While she was getting ready I got a phone call. I looked at my phone and started to grin when I saw the name flash. I slit my thumb across the screen and put the phone up to my ear.

*phone convo* 

August: shaylee, what's up ma? 

Shaylee: why aint I heard from you in a while august? I miss you baby 

August: I've been on the road baby girl. But I've been thinking about you 

Shaylee: when you coming over to give me that golden tongue? I need it bad 

August: I'm busy tonight but what about on Monday? 

Shaylee: three days? Baby I can't wait that long 

August: baby don't pout. I'll come by when I can aiight 

Shaylee: I'm looking forward to it 

Dontae: august! 

Shaylee: who was that baby? 

August: my cousin. I gotta go. Talk to you soon 

Shaylee: but.......... 

*end of convo*

August: yeah don.......*mouth open*

Oh my god! She looked so sexy. She came down the hall wearing a black and purple mini dress with silver sparkles on it. She had on black pumps with red bottoms and her hair was straightened with curly ends. The dress showed off her curves perfectly and made her ass look huge! I think I started to drool a bit before I heard my name being called.

Dontae: august!! 

August: huh? 

Dontae: I guess you like? 

August: *nods head* 

Dontae: am I over dressed? 

August: *shakes head* 

Dontae: *laughs* ok? Well let me just put Nuvo in his cage and then we can go

She bent over to pick up her dog and I stood at full attention. I couldn't see her ass but her dress stopped right before it. I sat down on her couch as she stood up and turned around.

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