Secrets Suck

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One week later 

August P.O.V

For the past week, Dontae and I have been calling and texting each other non-stop. Sometimes I forget that she's married. I mean when we talk, its more like flirting. I know she's not really in love with him, I just wish she'd admit her feelings and quit playing this game.  

I parked my car in her driveway and hopped out. I got the two bags out of the back of my car and walked up to the front door. I decided to just walk in like I always did, instead of knocking. 

When I opened the door I saw dontae walking down the hallway in a pair of short shorts and a bra. She must have just gotten out of the shower because her hair was wet and falling down her back and shoulders. When she saw me, she smiled as I put the bags on the ground beside me.

Dontae: what are you doing here? *hugs him* 

August: looking at a sexy woman *lets go* 

Dontae: you just can't help yourself can you? 

August: not when you wear things like that *bites lip* 

Dontae: I just got out the shower fool. But seriously, I thought you were going to London?  

August: nah, it was pushed back a few weeks. And besides, I came to see my family 

Dontae: don't go there  

August: go where? *walks to her* 

Dontae: you know what your doing *walks past him* you do this every time you come here 

August: *grabs her waist* but you never seem to mind. In fact, I seem to remember you loving it *kisses neck* 

Dontae: *closes eyes* w-when?  

August: don't you remember a few months ago? *kisses shoulder* your man was at work *kisses back* we had the house to ourselves *licks neck* kinda like right now 

Dontae: no no *stops him* we can't, I can't! I'm married august. Please don't do this to me 

August: *hands surrender* I'm not doing anything. I can't help it if your true feelings come out when we together 

Dontae: I really want this to work between me and kaydun. I don't want to keep playing him like this ok 

August: *sigh* fine. Where are the kids? I have gifts 

Dontae: as usual. And their asleep. And no, I'm not waking them up. They just got to sleep about a half hour ago 

August: sooo........

It went silent as her and I eyed each other. A smirk slid across my face as I watched the lust fill her eyes. She bit her lip flirtatiously so I knew what was about to happen. I walked over to her quickly and kissed her on her lips. I picked her up and let her legs wrap around my waist as I aggressively slammed her up against the wall.

Two hours later 

Dontae's P.O.V

Dontae: *making the bed* you really get on my nerves! 

August: *puts shirt on* yeah yeah. You say that every time we do this. I still don't get why you just don't end I with ole boy and be happy with me 

Dontae: *sits* I want to...... 

August: what? Y-You do?! *sits* so what's the problem? 

Dontae: *sigh* I love you, you know that. I'm over the past and everything, I'm even cool with you going away on tour. Its.....just..... 

Bad Boy- An August Alsina StoryWhere stories live. Discover now