This Changes Everything

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Next day 

August P.O.V 

New York

Angela: welcome to the breakfast club, power 105.1, its ya girl angela yee 

Charlamane: I'm charlamane tha god 

Envy: and its ya boy dj envy. We have with us today august alsina. Welcome back to the show 

August: glad to be back. Thanks for having me 

Angela: well the last time you were here, you hadn't dropped the album yet. How's it been since your album finally dropped? 

August: well when I first came here, I had my E.P out. I guess since the album dropped I just been getting noticed a lot more. I get people calling me for shows now 

Charlamane: so how the girls treating you? You knockin 'em all down huh 

Envy: ok charlamane. You always gotta go there 

Charlamane: come on, he's a young man who sings. Not to mention he's been over seas. You know he got groupies 

August: actually, I got a few. Like when I was in Europe, I was walkin through the club, and this girl came up to me *laughs* and, uh...she was like, I want to FUCK you right now!!  

All: *laughs* 

August: and I just kept it movin, but I just thought it was hilarious  

Angela: so is there anyone you really like? 

Charlamane: this guy ain't tryna be tied down 

August: well actually, I do got my eye on a lil shawty. I know I'm almost twenty five but I think I need some stability 

Angela: you want kids? 

Envy: hey, I heard you had a kid already 

August: twins actually  

Charlamane: twins?!  

Angela: how old are they? 

August: they're almost three 

Angela: two boys? 

August: a boy and girl. Akari and Akai 

Envy: so you and their mom aint together? 

August: not really. I mean we feeling each other but we haven't defined anything yet 

Charlamane: she don't feel ok with dating a superstar? 

August: pretty much. She was cool with it before the kids were born. I guess it was too much too soon 

Envy: so do your kids love your music? 

August: I don't think they get it yet. When my songs come on the radio they like, daddy that's you! Then they sing it and look at me like, how you on the radio when you right here 

Angela: aww they know the lyrics to your songs? 

August: my son loves to sing ghetto. But my princess, she loves make it home 

Envy: what about their mom? 

August: I asked my kids do their mom listen to my music and they told me she listens to my song called kissin on my tattoos. Which is funny because, it's actually about her 

Charlamane: does she know that?  

Angela: well she does now 

August: I guess she does now. But no, I never told her 

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