Where She Belongs

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Eleven days later 

Dontae's P.O.V 


I've been trying to end it with derick for a while now but it just seems like there is never a right time. He just looks at me with his innocent looking face and the words just won't come out. Between my guilt for sleeping with august and my nervousness from trying to end it with derick, my stomach has been a roller coaster of sickness. 

I pushed that to the side as I boarded the plane with my three kids. The twins birthday is tomorrow and august decided to fly us out to Las Angeles for a show and to take the kids to an amusement park. Derick had a book signing in new york so he couldn't make the trip. We had a pre-party for them yesterday so he wouldn't feel left out.

Akahjae: mumma where we going? 

Dontae: baby we going to LA 

Akai: hey, that's where mindless behavior's from 

Dontae: really? 

Akai: well, three of them 

Akari: the rangers are from there too 

Akahjae: oh yeah!!! *sings* you stay on my head like a fitted cap, and everything you do you know I'm feelin that 

Akari: *singing* baby you can run my heart like a marathon. And I'll do anything for you to put me on 

Boys: Cuz baby you stay on my blogg each and every night. And I stay on my aim each and every night. Baby you stay on the shows each and every time, and baby when I slow it down you'll be my number one dime 

People: *claps* 

Dontae: *looks around* ok then. Can y'all please take your seats 

Akahjae: so why can't Nuvo come with us? 

Akari: yeah why does he have to stay with nadir? 

Dontae: he doesn't like planes 

Akai: but when we move back to Atlanta, he'll have to come on the plane 

Dontae: *looks at her* why do you think we moving back to Atlanta? 

Akai: well, when you get back with daddy...... 

Dontae: hold up, who told you I was getting back with daddy? 

Akari: he still loves you 

Akai: and you love him 

Akahjae: and he wants to marry you 

Twins: *look at him* shhh! 

Dontae: wait a minute! D-Did he say he wanted to marry me? 

Kids: *look at each other* ......no 

Dontae: are you lying to me? 

Akahjae: ye......*gets elbowed* oooff....I mean no *rubs side* 

Dontae: mhm?

I sat back in my seat as my kids colored in their books. I couldn't help but wonder what my kids were talking about. Did august tell them he wanted to marry me?

Akai's P.O.V 

At the hotel

Akahjae: *jumping* I almost touched the roof! 

Akai: it's the ceiling jay, not the roof  

Akari: whatever. My turn now 

Akahjae: no I get one more turn 

Bad Boy- An August Alsina StoryWhere stories live. Discover now