Are You For Real?!

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Dontae's P.O.V 

An hour later

I pulled out my laptop and went directly to youtube. I searched "august alsina breakfast club interview" and up popped a few interviews he had done over the years. I clicked on the one that was the newest and put my earphones on to hear. They were talking a lot so I decided to skip to the middle to see if they mentioned relationships.


Envy: so now we know, he likes to get brain before he goes in 

Angela: has your relationship status changed at all? 

August: well..... 

Charlamane: you stay tryna get him wifed up! Let this young man go on smashing all these fine women of the world 

August: *laughs* nah man 

Envy: so how is the dating life? You got a girl yet? 

August: me? Nah man. You know the situation 

Angela: but wait, last time you were here you wanted to get with baby mama and now I hear you have another kid with her but y'all aint together 

August: oh! Well you see...... 

Charlamane: I just feel like if she wanted to be with you, she would have made it a point to be with you 

Angela: and rumor has it, she having another kid 

August: where you hear that? 

Envy: angela follows her on instagram and she posted pictures of her belly. Is it yours? 

August: nah, she got a boyfriend when she moved to Miami 

Charlamane: well, now you can get all the vajj you want without anyone getting pissed at you 

August: *laughs* yeah  

*end of video*

I couldn't watch anymore. How the hell he would sit up and say that he was single?! He's been literally chasing me for how long? And then he goes on the radio and embarrasses me like this?! I cant believe he would do me like that! Fuck this shit! 

I slammed my laptop closed and got down from the island. I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror to notice how much I was crying. This is what I feared and what do you know, its now a reality. I wiped my eyes once I heard akahjae call my name. I made sure I looked ok before I walked into his room. He looked at me and cocked his head to the side like he always did.

Akahjae: what happen mumma? 

Dontae: nothing baby. I just watched a sad movie 

Akahjae: when is kai and kari coming home? 

Dontae: baby its only eleven in the morning. We have to go get them at three thirty 

Akahjae: oh. Well when am I going school? 

Dontae: baby you go to preschool next year 

Akahjae: a whole year! 

Dontae: well *hears phone ring* in September *gets up* 

Akahjae: well what is it now? *follows* 

Dontae *picks up phone* its January, hello? 

August: hey baby 

Dontae: *hangs up* 

Akahjae: who was that? 

Dontae: nobody

Bad Boy- An August Alsina StoryWhere stories live. Discover now