Chapter Five

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Skylar's P.O.V

I love sleeping but hate it when you are shaken awake by two half naked boys, yelling your name like if they say it enough they'll win a million pounds.

"What the hell do you want?" I yell at them, Niall just shrugs and walks away, whereas Louis just pulls on a pouty face, and crosses his arms, like a little boy who didn't get what he wanted.

"I'm sorry" he mumbles and here comes the river of fake tears. I just roll my eyes, placing a kiss on his cheek before walking into the main section of the bus. Taking a seat next to Riley, Who is completely lost in conversation with Liam. I take this as a chance to glance in Louis direction and he's still stood exactly where I left him, except now he's smiling like a complete idiot clutching onto his cheek. What a retard.

"Hey Lou!" I yell smile at his reaction, first he points to himself asking if I'm talking to him which I nod in response.

"Y- yea" he stutters leaning against the bunks trying to act cool, but it's clearly not working for him, I can tell that he has got gel in his hair and it looks like it took him hours to get the quiff. All the fun to screw it up. I slowly walk towards, him my lips alining with his ear.

"Can I tell you a secret?" I whisper making sure my lips brush against his ear, sending a very obvious shiver down his spin.

"Of- of course" he smiles. He's so cute when he's nervous. I grab his collar and pull him in front of me until our eyes connect,I can see the anticipation in them waiting for my next move. My hands make their way onto Louis hair, scuffling it under my palm, I sprint off into the back room hiding behind Niall before giving him time to react.

"SKYLAR! THIS TOOK ME 3 HOURS!" Louis voice echos through the tour bus, his footsteps getting louder and heavier as he reaches the room, his black and grey Nike's connecting with the floor before his eyes land on me.

"Niall move out the way she needs to be punished" Louis commands and much to my disbelief Niall stands straight up and leaves the room. What! so much for I'll protect you. Guess I know who to punch after this.

"No one messes with Tommo!" Louis yells before his hands have connected with my sides, and he's tickling me like his life depends on it.

"sto- stop please Lou- Louis" I plead squirming under his touch.

"Not until you say I am the best person you have ever met"

"I am the best person you have ever met." I smirk at his confused face taking this as a chance to get out of his grip and start sprinting towards the door, but before I reach it a muscular pair of arms are wrapped around my waist, pulling me into their chest I spin around to be greeted with a pair of beautiful blue eyes staring into my own, before flickering down to my lips

"Can- can I kiss you?" Louis whispers his eyes not leaving my lips.

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