Chapter Sixteen

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Riley P.O.V

I woke up to snoring, since when has Skylar snored I try and roll over but a pair of strong arms are keeping me from moving I groan.

"Morning" Liam says waking up from his slumber

"Morning " I say "How did you sleep?"

"Good especially now you're here with me" I groan at how cheesy that was even though like a thousand girls would die if they heard him say that to them.

"so cheesy" I say

"I know now get up so we can have breakfast" he says getting up

"NO" I sound like a stubborn little kid

"well if you don't get up I'm going to have to make you aren't I" he says smirking I have no idea what he is planning but I'm not sure how this is going to work.Liam walks out the room and I hear a conversation going on.

"Ew! Louis get the hell off of my sister!" I can hear Liam from here in his bed but that's when all the memories come flooding back from last night.

"Technically she's on me but okay." that's Louis sounds like they were having another make out session it's hard to think of my best friend being with someone that millions of girls would kill for or someone who I feel like I have known all my life but it would be even weirder for her I guess.Liam comes back in.

"your still not up " I just look at him and snuggle back under the covers of the blankets with the quilt over my head I look up every thing is silent and I can't see Liam where has he gone then plunk Liam has jumped on the bed I roll my eyes.

"get up" he says

"or else?" I question he won't do anything

" or else I-i'll tickle you" he says with a smirk forming on his lips

"or ?" I'm trying to not get tickled here

"Or this " he says pressing his lips to mine I react quickly putting my arms around his neck while he puts his arms around my waist his hands go up and down my back,his hands find the bottom of my tee-shirt (or more his shirt as for I am wearing his clothes after last nights incidents) his hands find skin and I can feel every single touch,I shiver oh great I hope he didn't notice i'm also shaking so bad that I have to tighten my grip on his shirt to cover the shaking.The kisses are so passionate his tongue slowly creeps it's way to my lips what do I do this has never happened to me I open my mouth wider and I don't know if you would call it a mistake because it doesn't feel like one his tongue is now in my mouth exploring every inch it I let out a moan which slips out (OH NO) he must of heard it people from across the hall could but normally someone would stop their but he just pulls me closer covering the space that wasn't there before.

"OI Liam get off my best friend" that's Skylar and Louis oh great this is horrible Liam and I break away.

"seriously you tell me to get off Sky when you have your tongue down her throat" Louis says snickering, I can feel myself blushing, i'm not the only one Liam is red in the cheeks and is staring daggers at Lou.

"come on babe we will let these two finish what they where doing" EWWW gross that's too far Lou winks at me before leaving the room Skylar follows but has a smile on her face so she's not angry which is good.

"Riles go have a shower then we will go down for breakfast" Liam says obviously still embarrassed on what just happened.

"sure" I say giving him a peck on the lips before heading into the bathroom.


After breakfast everyone is quite cheerful I go back into Liam's room looking for entertainment as for I am bored and Skylar and Lou haven't been seen since breakfast finished. I walk into Liam's room not bothering to knock and I see Liam reading a book called 'Disconnected' By RMJ an unknown author who goes by there initials. Liam would have no clue who this person is but I do it's ME! I know I wrote it over a year ago and it hit number 1 on the best sellers list I was stoked and I could pay off everything I needed to it was great and at the moment I am working on the second book in the series it's called 'cut off '.

"what ya reading Li" I question even though I now the answer

"My favourite book" Wait did he say favourite I stop dead in the middle of my step OH MY GOODNESS LIAM PAYNES FAVOURITE BOOK IS ONE THAT I WROTE.

"what's it called" I say trying to play it cool

"Disconnected" he replies "have you read it before?"

"ahh No I say but I know what happens" I say

"cool you should read it some time it is AMAZING" He says over exaggerating the amazing "I wish I knew who the actual author is though"

"mhmm" I replied to him this is going to be an interesting conversation.

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