Chapter Nine

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Skylar P.O.V

My eyes meet Liam's bunk, where Riley and Liam are cuddled up. She knew that I didn't like the fact that she kissed him. So what does she do just sleeps with him because thats so much better, she has never done something like this before.

"Sky, I- I'm sorry." Riley stutters, climbing out of the bunk trying to grab my arm, I shove it away instantly.

"You knew exactly how I felt about this" I yell towards her and Liam, I more then doubt that she told him.

"Why? Thats what I don't understand. What's different than you being with Louis?"

"It's completely different!"

"How? You don't even know Liam, just like how you treated Liam the other day."

"You don't know, and you never will know. Okay? Because no one can know"

"Know what?" Crap crap crap, my eyes land on Liam before he clears the situation.

"No one will know that, um, we met at a coffee shop once." a coffee shop? no not again, tears escape my eyes. Just in time the bus comes to a complete holt outside of a hotel.

"First tour stop, London, go into the hotel and get your keys." The bus driver announces.

"I'm- I'm gonna go get my room." I stutter through my tears, staring at Liam. I can see the guilt in his eyes, he knows he should of said something else. I storm off of the bus, only to be greeted by a large group of fans circling me. I push through, getting in the hotel. I'm sharing a room with Riley, we better make up or this will be a horrible tour.


*Later that night*

Riley and I are okay now, I mean I just told her that I'm home sick so she didn't think anything of it. Liam's been a bit more distant from me, not one single apology. Rude. Louis has been super cute, as always. He's just so amazing, I swear I could even just look at him and I would feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Much to Riley's disbelief we don't have a label yet, we are just friends who act like a couple for the time being.

"Sky? Can we talk?" Liam interrupts my thoughts.

"Yea, what's up?"

"I'm sorry for acting so well not really, um"

"For acting like a dick." I complete his sentence, making him chuckle

"Uh yea that. But I want you to know that I do still love you just as much as I used to and I don't ever forget that your my little sister." Liam continues, before the door swings open Harry stands in the door frame his mouth gaped open, and his eyes blinking rapidly.

"SISTER?!" crap crap crap.

"Sister? Where did- did you hear that?" Liam try's to play it off cool but he amount of stuttering in that sentence gives it away.

"You his- his sister. It all makes sense now!" Harry yells breathing a sigh of relief

"What do you mean it all makes sense?" I but in

"Now it makes sense why you don't like Riley and Liam together and why Liam was acting so protective over you, God I can't wait to tell Niall!"

"No no no. There will be no telling Niall! You weren't meant to even find out! " Liam yells grabbing Harry's t-shirt into a fist.

"Oh- okay, but why can't anyone know?"

"That's what I asked!" I cut in

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