Chapter Twenty Two

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Riley P.O.V

"Why do you have our Microphones?" Niall questions. before I know it i'm running uhhh why am I so lazy now I wish all those times I was going to go to the gym not jim that's another guy to the gym.(See what I did there?)

"Thats meant to effect me within a day you'll come crawling back honey" I hear Skylar yell she make me laugh some times.I feel hot breath on the back of my neck ahhh why are all the boys so fit I look around it's Liam run faster ahh run feet why are you so slow i'm sure I have like no muscle .

I see Niall round the corner I scream and turned into the hall way that was next to me woooow i'm not going to be able to keep going for much longer and of course being me I stack it and fall to the ground with a hard thud "Riley" Liam calls I start laughing "shhh it's okay shh it will be fi..." he stops dead mid sentence "I thought you were crying" that just makes me laugh harder he helps me up and goes to grab the microphones off me but I turn and run I don't get far before I see Niall

"I found her " he yells

" I know get her" Liam says catching up fast I run for a few minutes until I am officially lost so i'm like kinda walking around aimlessly, seriously this is a maze I stop to look at all the seats spread out in the arena awed that this many people want to see four people sing it's amazing I was in a daze I guess you could say that's until a pair of strong arms wraps around my waist and of course I scream

"got you" he says I try to wriggle out of his grip but he is to strong I knew straight away who it was it wasn't the voice that gave it away it was his smell that I know as safety some where, were no one else exists just us.

"Aww I was having fun" I whine

"aww too bad" he says

"no fair" I whine yet again I am complaining wow I do that a lot

"what's no fair" he asks smirking not letting me out of his grip

"that you're stronger " I say

"yeah I am" he says I roll my eyes

" i'm guessing you're going to let my go" I say in an innocent voice

"No" he says

"please " I say fluttering my eye lashes


"Let me go" I say

"no now stay still or else" He says

"or else what will happen "

"or else this" he says placing his lips on mine gently at first but as the kiss goes on it get harder and more compassionate I start to become weak under the pressure of his arms around my waist and soft but strong lips on mine. He is holding my up if he wasn't I probably would of melted by now (literary it is like 100 degrees today) we break apart as for we need air we stay silent

"should we find my troublesome sister now" he says

"sure but I get to hold the microphones" I say

"no way you'll run off again" Niall says making me jump and taking the microphones out of my hand handing them to Liam and grabbing my shirt so I don't run off

"now to find Skylar" Niall says I groan not wanting to move and buying her some more running time we walk around for five minuet thats when we find them well we find Skylar and Louis

"Lou we got Ri-" Niall starts to say and stops dead seeing them kissing I better not look like that when I kiss Liam cause it looks like Louis is clogging her breathing pipe with his tongue. Ew.


sorry short chapter it will get longer promise


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