Chapter Twenty Nine

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Skylar P.O.V

It's been a couple days since my fight with Liam and Riley. I haven't spoken to them since I left them stood in the hotel room confused. I honestly don't even know what to do. I know that I over reacted and I would have forgiven them by now but I'm not angry about the movie now. I'm annoyed at the fact that Liam doesn't care. They haven't even attempted to talk to me. Which hurts. A lot.

"Babe look at this" I turn to Lou who is sat on the couch. My legs carry me off the bed and towards him, my arms snake around his neck. Hands resting on his chest. I plant my lips on his smooth cheek causing the sides of his mouth to twitch up into a smile before I read whats occupying his phone screen.

'One Direction's Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson ignoring each other on stage' Oh shit. I continue to scan my eyes over the article.

'Liam and Louis are usually pretty tight on stage, with continuous water fights and wrestling matches the boys don't send the Lilo shippers short. But last night during their show at Manchester arena the boys seemed quite distant, causing a storm on twitter fans believe the boys had an argument perhaps Lilo is no longer sailing.'

"Louis I'm- I'm so sorry. Fuck this is all my fault!" I pull from him pacing the room with my hands combing through my hair out of frustration. I come to a holt as Louis's hands connect with my arms pulling them to my sides.

"I have asked Liam to come into our room so we can figure something ou-"

"Are you kidding me!?" I yell

"No I'm Louis"

"Louis I'm being serious! I don't want to talk to him" I yell.

"I know and you don't have to. Just sit on the bed" He smiles. We hear a knock on the door signally his here. Louis kisses me quickly before pulling back and looking into my eyes.

"Be nice" He instructs

"Yes mum" Rolling my eyes I take my seat on the bed. I heard Louis shout hello before he's quiet again. What the hell? They still haven't entered the room. I can hear muffled whispering. I make my way off the bed so I can see whats going on and my eyes meet Riley's. No he said it would only be Liam. I mean yes I'm more annoyed at Liam but still I don't want the both of them. Riley knows how to get me to forgive her and right now I really don't want to.

I move back to my place on the bed as they enter the room both Riley and Liam's eyes on me.

"Don't stare it's rude" I spit beginning to pick at my nails.

"Skylar we spoke about this" Louis cuts into me. I need to be nicer but I don't want to be.

"Sorry, what I meant to say was please stop staring at me as I don't like either of you but I'm trying to act friendly and you aren't helping" Louis tries not to smile while Liam and Riley look away sadly. Louis knows what I'm like so I knew he would give up easily.

"Anyway so about-" I stop listening as soon as they get into their conversation. After around 5 minutes Liam stands up asking everyone if they'd like a drink before turning to me.

"Skylar would you like one?"

"No" I say no expression evident in my voice. He huffs before leaving the room.

"You know you don't have to be so rude" Riley announces standing up and walking over to me.

"I said no, sorry that I do not require a drink at this moment" I say through gritted teeth. standing in front of her. Louis rushing over.

"Girls calm down" Louis speaks frantically making space between the two of us.

"You have been so rude ever since we got here even when he just looked at you before you glared at him, you're acting like a complete bitch Skylar"

"I have tried to be nice and you just call me a bitch?"

"Yes I did because you are being a bitch! You're being horrible to both myself and Liam, when we have done nothing wrong to you!"

"Oh my god get over yourself Riley, sorry to break it to you but you're not as strong as you think you are and once this tour is over you will have no one because you definitely won't have me and Liam leaves everyone!" I yell in frustration, I see a glint of sadness in her eye

"Thats not true he- he loves me" She yells but her voice softens at the end.

"Yea well I'm his sister who he said was his favourite person in the world and look how that turned out, you're just another person he can use and throw away nothing more!" I yell I've hit it and before I know it Riley's hands are attached to Louis's head and her lips are on his. He's squirming under her touch trying to get away. Before Louis manages to push her away wiping his lips with his arm.

"Get out of my fucking room right now before you don't leave alive!" I yell louder than I ever have before. She smirks turning her gaze to Louis and back to me.

"Keep him he's a good kisser" Her smirk drops as she turns to exit seeing Liam's face of utter shock and sadness.

"Liam I-"

"Leave!" He yells as she runs past him and out the door.

"Skylar I'm so sorry I-" Lou starts pleading

"Lou I know it wasn't you, it's okay" I smile wrapping my arms around his waist nuzzling my head into the crook of his neck.


Listen to A thousand years (on repeat) by Christina Perri


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