Chapter Eight

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Riley P.O.V

What i have learnt so far on tour (A) Harry and Naill react to people kissing like little girls (B) Skylar has been kissed by Louis and (C) Most importantly i have been kissed by Liam (D) Liam is very protective of people like a father it's nice.

"so you and Louis" i say with a smirk on my face she is blushing now awww she really likes him, well i mean she has always liked him ever since she first saw him on telly but there so cute together.

"Shut up you can't talk you kissed Liam" she snapped back it's true of course i kissed Liam but technically i didn't he kissed me all i did was kiss back simple hey that would be a good come back i really have to start saying some of these things out loud

"did not he kissed me " i snapped his so cute and loveable and his arms feel safe and when i look into his hazel eyes they just make me melt and he always seems to know what i'm thinking (glad i didn't say that out loud) oh no what if he can read my mind and know what i'm thinking right now oh no.

"well then Louis kissed me" she said were so immature but thats us the two immature besties oh that should be a club name.

"so what was it like" i asked she looked at me confused i literally could she the question mark above her head, i should get that checked out .

"nice" she said that's it well no details i feel rejected after a few minuets in silence she said some thing that shocked me.

" i can't believe you kissed Liam "

"why you kissed lou" i said

"this is different" she said i'm confused what does she mean?

"how can this be any different than with you and lou" LOL that rimed but i'm upset with her my voice is starting to go up.

"it just is OKAY" and she storms out the room what did i do? i have the same relation ship with Liam like she has with Lou it's not like we have done anything yet (YET riley stop no bad thoughts) i lean back in my bunk and cover my face with my hands.

"what happened in here"i look up and see Liam he sits on the edge on my bed next to me i just shake my head "hey" he says taking my hands away from my face so he can look at me and he does he looks at me straight in the eyes, his eyes there so perfect and hazel and dreamy (Riley snap out of it he can read minds remember well not really but you know what i mean). I sit up and wrap my arms around his neck he is caught by surprise but he quickly puts his arms around my hips bringing me closer to him.

" whats wrong" he says pulling back just enough to look me in the eyes and i quickly recount what happened, "and i don't know what i said that could of up set her" i finished it's nice to have someone to confide my girl troubles with. He sighs " i know what this is about" he says i look at him waiting for an answer but it never comes instead he says "how about we watch a movie" i just sigh and we move to his bed and we pull the curtains around us and start the movie.


I wake up to hearing light snoring in my ear it's Liam we both must of fallen asleep during the movie or i might of and then he fell asleep with me or what ever i need to know the time. i yorn trying not to wake up Liam which fail because i can hear him whisper in my ear "morning Riles". i smile and reply "morning Li" he smile at me then i hear yelling.

" LIAM,LIAM, LIAM NIALL ATE MY TOAST AND DIDN'T EVEN SAY SORRY" Liam groans and then i hear running,before i know it the curtains are pulled back "LIAM" Harry stops dead in sentence then yells "EWWW LIAM AND RILEY SLEPT TOGETHER" Liam groans again and i hear scrambling and all the boys and Skylar are at Liams bed OH NO Skylar she is going to hate me i'm in for it!.

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