Chapter Twenty One

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Skylar P.O.V

Ugh. Why do they take forever to just get their hair checked? They are boys for christ sake. Speak of the devils. The boys come strutting into the room and when I say strutting I mean strutting like I am pretty sure that they are walking in slow motion right now. Not even joking.

"Why do you have our Microphones?" Niall questions. My feet connecting with the ground before he has time to finish, I've set off sprinting in the opposite direction to Riley. I hear the Lou yell orders to the other boys before I can feel him hot on my trail. Come on I need to run faster! Why must I be so unfit?

"Skylar stop! If you don't stop I will be angry!"

"Thats meant to effect me within a day you'll come crawling back honey" I yell back my feet picking up the pace.

"Skylar just stop!" He whines

"Never!!!" I yell turning down another hallway

I've been running for around ten minutes straight and I can not carry myself much longer. This place is like a maze. My feet come to a holt when there is no more hallways to continue the run,

My head flipping around to see a panting Lou. A smirk pulling over his face when he realises my situation, his steps growing wider as he strides towards me until my back connects with the wall, his hands on either side of me blocking me into place he looks down at the microphone taking it from my hands and dropping it to the floor.

"Lou- Louis"

His eyes meet with mine a look of relief washing over his gorgeous blue eyes, before they flicker down to my lips. Before giving a sign of acceptance, Louis's lips have crashed onto mine and his hands are resting on my hips, his hands pulling my chest against his own. Our lips moving in perfect sync. I've missed this we haven't kissed like this in a while and the sparks are back again. My fingers curl into his hair tugging at the individual strands.

"Lou we got Ri-" Niall walks in holding Riley up by her top. Interrupting us. I pull away from Lou for his to whisper.

"They always interrupt our moments" Lou finishes place a short kiss on my lips before walking over to Niall and dragging him and Riley out of the room. My back falls with a thud against the wall, my hands combing through my hair as my back slides down the wall till my jeans connect to the floor. That was amazing.I haven't felt anything like that before and now I can''t wipe this massive grin off my face. This boy will be the death of me I swear.


Sorry it was so short not had the best writing days lately. :/

- L

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