Chapter Fifteen

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Skylar's P.O.V

"Lou, I hope she's not mad I can't lose her what if she forgives Liam but not me?" I ask my hands combing through my hair.

"Hey, don't think like that everything will be okay I promise" He reassures me, pulling me onto his lap.

"Try and get some rest I'll stay in here with you tonight okay?" I mumble an Okay before climbing under the soft bed sheets that occupy the large double bed.

The bed being cold until the heat of Louis's body follows through my own once his arms around my waist and our legs are tangled together, within seconds I'm sound asleep my head tucked into the crook of Lou's neck. I could get used to this.


The light sound of breathing pulls me from my peaceful slumber, I try to pry myself from the body next to me but don't get very far until the arms have pulled me on top of the body.

"Good morning, fancy seeing you here." Louis mumbles his hands wresting on my hips.

"Same to you, since you will be literally dead if Liam sees you" I smirk trying to pull off of his but he doesn't budge. This boy I tell you, He will be the death of me.

"We are just going to have to take that chance aren't we?" He whispers pulling my head down so our lips are inches apart he leans in but instead of lips his connect with my hand his eyes open in shock with the unusual contact.

"Not when I have morning breath" I smile, before he leaves a kiss on my forehead and throws me off of him, walking into the bathroom. No. I needed the bathroom, why is he such an annoying little ugh!

"Lou, I need the toilet!" I wine banging onto the locked door that is dividing me from my one need in this moment.

"Tough luck princess" I can practically hear his smirk from here.

"Ugh, I hate you!"

"Love you too" Lou replies. Did he just say love? No he was just joking. Back to what is really important at this time. I need the bathroom. As in now. My feet connecting with the soft white carpet that lays along the floor of the hotel room as I make my way into Niall and Harry's room. Barging in on Harry in only boxers and Niall no where to be seen.

"I need your toilet" I yell running to the bathroom swinging the door before quickly shutting it from the sight of a completely naked Niall Horan. Crap! God what did I just see?

"If you waited I could have warned you that Niall is taking a shower" I ignore Harry sprinting back into my room to see the thankful sight of a smirking Lou laying on the bed and the bathroom not being occupied. Sprinting to the bathroom and locking the door behind me.

I open the bathroom door to see Louis absolutely pissing himself laugh at something Harry has said. Oh no he did not tell Lou what I think he has. No it's so embarrassing.

"Love, if you want Niall instead of me you should of just said so." Lou spits through his laughter.

"Leave me alone!" I wine, walking over to the bed and collapsing face first into the plush pillows before my ears are filled with a shriek. What the hell? I pull my head from the pillow to see no one, not even Lou. I hear a groan come from the side of the bed.

I roll over and look over the side to see Lou clutching onto his head. He fell off the bed. This is hilarious. OMG! A giggle escapes my lips before I can stop it causing Lou's eyes to jerk open. Okay now that I have pissed him off I guess I can laugh anyway. I start falling into a fit of laughter holding onto my stomach before Lou's hand is hold my shirt and I am pulled down on top of him.

"Hey!" I yell when my body connects with his.

"Don't laugh it's mean" He pouts. Causing me to start laughing again. I really need to learn how to control this. My laughter is interrupted by Louis's lips connecting with my own. We stay like this for what feel s like forever but somethings different.

It's not the same as our other kisses this one feels different this one sends butterflies into my stomach and tingles down my spin. I haven't felt like this before and that scares and intrigues me at the same time. I don't ever want it to stop-

"Ew! Louis get the hell off of my sister!" Liam's voice fills my ears causing us both to pull apart and look in his direction.

"Technically she's on me but okay." Louis answers, standing up me being pulled along with his like a rag doll. I can't stop thinking about that kiss. It was different and there was a spark but that only happens in movies, maybe I'm just tired. Yea that's probably it.


Okay so. What do you think? please leave a comment on how you feel about this. :)

- L

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