Chapter Thirty

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Riley P.O.V

I wan't to stay on the tour but I know that no one wants me there Skylar's words echo through my head.

"Yea well I'm his sister who he said was his favourite person in the world and look how that turned out, you're just another person he can use and throw away nothing more!"

how could I do something so stupid in spite I did something I always will regret

My hands are attach to Louis's head and my lips are on his. His lips are soft but nothing like what I have with Liam no spark, that's probably because he's squirming under my touch trying to get away. Louis manages to push me away wiping his lips with his arm.

"Get out of my fucking room right now before you don't leave alive!"

This Feels good for only a matter of seconds I smirk at Skylar and Louis revenge feels good for only a little amount of time before it fades away then I think of Liam.

"Keep him he's a good kisser" My smirk drops as I turn to exit seeing Liam's face of utter shock and sadness.

"Liam I-"

"Leave!" He yells I run past him and out the door.

How could I be so Stupid how can I do something in spite of everyone else how could I do that there is one persons face who I can't get out of my head Liam's I left him a note saying how sorry I am how I did it in cold blood how much I wish I can stop the tape and rewind that's all I want.

"Can all passengers please put there seat belts on we are about to land in England, we hope you had a nice and smooth trip,please fly with us again,Thank you" The voice over the intercom comes on awakening me from my thoughts.

Taking a taxi isn't ideal for me but however my mother would never pick me up Skylar was always the one who did that Skylar how ever sorry I am. Quickly waving down a taxi I jump into my butt landing on the hard seats.

"Where to ma'am" The driver asks I give him the address then he pulls away I take one last look back at the airport and see swarms of girls at the doors or running to them. What's that about I think to myself it's probably nothing. It's to late to turn back but is it to late now to say sorry probably but I will keep repeating it how ever am I sorry now I have to go home and face the devil.

All to soon we get into familiar streets all to soon we are home.

"Thank you" I say passing him a couple of notes stepping out into the cold sunday night air I pull my thin jumper closer to my body. It's six o'clock on the dot time to face my mother. Opening the door slowly I step into an all to familiar house with all it's bad memories that will forever haunt me.

I see someone asleep or more knocked out person on the couch,,drunk, I wade to my mother on the couch trying my best to get to her through all the mess and rubbish that surrounds me, this place obviously hasn't been cleaned since I was last here. Everything is my fault I mess everything up, I'm no good for nothing.I turn around she is out cold or so I think.

walking slowly to my room I get to the stairs when I hear the sound of her voice my mother the voice I dread

"RILEY MADDISSON JOHNSON!!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN YOU COMPLETE SELFISH IDIOT YOU LEFT ME HERE ON MY OWN HERE TO SUFFER BY MYSLEF" she yells at me here we go again she comes straight up to me and punches me square in the jaw violence is never the answer I don't hit back

"HOW COULD YOU LEAVE YOU ARE GROUNDED FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE" she starts punching and kicking me and I let her I deserve it as pain repeatedly irrupts in odd places my stomach my noise which is now bleeding I will have a black eye in the morning, this is my fault, everything is my fault, my fathers death is my fault, my mother is my fault, Skylar is my fault I ruined our relationship,Liam I just shuttered our relation ship. Warm salty tears leak down my face I am on the ground in pain both physical and mental I'm sorry

"Riley" a soft voice says that's not my mum I can hear him, strong arms wrap around me

"Riley" he says again my vision is blurred mixed with tears and blood

"I'm Sorry" Then every thing goes black hopefully forever.

Goodbye, I'm sorry, I love you for a thousand years and I will love you for a thousand more.

And all along I believed I would find you

Time has brought your heart to me

I have loved you for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more                         

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