Chapter Thirteen

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Skylar P.O.V

My eyes flutter open to an empty hotel room, and a pair of strong arms holding me against the persons chest which obviously belong to Lou.

I turn over to be greeted with his gorgeous face, my finger unintentionally tracing along his forehead removing the piece of hair resting upon his stunning features. Trying not to waken him from his peaceful state I start untangling our legs causing a groan to escape from Lou's plump lips before his eyes flutter open and land on me.

"Morning gorgeous" His croaky morning voice filling my ears before I try to stand up, but I'm quickly pulled down onto Lou's chest so I am face to face with the beautiful boy.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asks a smirk pulling over his face.

"To get ready, the shows tonight."

"Not until you give me a kiss" He answers before closing his eyes and sticking out his lips.

"I don't think so"


"Morning breath" I reply before trying to pull myself away from his but he's quick to react and before I can say any different our lips are connected in one swift move, slipping into one anthers like a puzzle piece quick to pull away his lips leave one last kiss on my jawline before pushing me away, sending me off the bed and my back colliding into the floor with a bang.

Lou's head pops over the side of the bed a cheeky smile playing on his lips, and I swear in that moment I saw a twinkle in his eye.

"Why are you so clumsy?" He questions before rolling off himself and landing smack bang on top of me.

"God! What have you been eating?" I squeak from under his body.

"Excuse me!"

"Please get off of me Lou"

"Only if you agree to being my girly friend" God he didn't have to squish me for the answer to be a yes.

"Yes Lou I will be your girly friend only if you be my boyfriend tho"

"Deal!" Louis yells before jumping up and stretching out a hand to help me up, which I take. Obviously. My fingers intwine with his before he pulls me into a kiss. lasting around 2 minutes before being interrupted by the door that separates us from Harry and Niall's room.

"Oh god! Get a room!" Niall yells covering his eyes, and pretending to be blinded by the sight of me and Lou. Liam following him close behind.

"Well you just walked into the room, that we had some plans for" Lou replies sending a wink at Niall and pulling me into his chest.

"Ew! Okay thats gross not with my sis-" My eyes widen at Liam's sentence him quickly stopping himself before he can go on.

"Were you about to say sister?"

"N- no" Liam stutters. Idiot. What a freaking idiot! God I swear sometimes he doesn't know how to think about what he will say before he actually says it.

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