Chapter Twenty Three

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Skylar P.O.V

I take a quick look at the crowd from the wing, my mouth dropping at the sight of the thousands of people. I know I did this last night but for some reason it looks like there is a lot more people than last night. What if I screw up? No I can't mess up if I do they'll start throwing tomato's at me. Okay so maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration but you get what I mean.

"Hey, you all right babe?" Lou's voice pulling me from the imagination

"No I am absolutely mortified" I reply bitting down on my lip my eyes looking anywhere but his. His finger points out to me before he replies;

"Hold that thought" He sprints off towards the stage director his hands together like he's begging him for something. What is he doing? This boy is extremely confusing sometimes I swear. Its a couple more minutes of spontaneous screams from the crowd and Lou begging some more because he comes walking towards me with a smirk on his face, causing a large grin to appear on my lips.

"What are you so smug about?" I question before his hands have wrapped around my waist and he starts dragging me towards the stage. Um what the hell.

"W- What are you doing?" I ask him, when we're a meter away from being able to be seen.

"I'm gonna come on stage and sing with you" He replies before showing off his pearly whites. God I sound like a freaking pirate.

"What?!" I yell but before I know it Louis has picked me up bridal style and is walking me out into the centre of the stage. The crowd erupting in screams at the sight of the adorable British boy waltzing onto stage holding a random girl. Oh and if you were confused I'm the random girl.

"Louis! Put me down!" I yell hitting his chest.

"We all know you love it babe" he replies with a wink before placing me down and his hands finding my waist and conveniently the microphone too.

"Now everyone please be nice to Sky she is a little more nervous than last night I have no idea why but anyway please be nice" he pleads pulling a pout onto his face.


"That was my last song for tonight I hope you enjoyed! The boys will be on soon and also Niall's hair is green all thanks to Hazza" and with that I was off the stage and wrapped up in Lou's arms.

"See wasn't so bad was it love?" Louis asks pulling out of the hug

"No I guess not, thank you" I reply smiling up at him, he looks down and gives me a peck on the lips until having to run off into the dressing room to check his hair again.

"You two are so cute!" Riley announces running over.


Sorry this chapter is so short but hope you enjoy it neither the less.

- L  

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