Chapter 3 - Picture of Lionel

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Feeling unnatural and out of place, Elle shifted uncomfortably at the sturdy chair. The silence during a meal was something ironically unheard of. Growing up in the East End, her meals had always been surrounded by chatter, carts rumbling, children screaming and people peddling their wares. Even now, she would've been awake with Lacey in their makeshift house from an abandoned stable, getting ready for the day. Where would Lacey think she's gone for the whole night? Elle had always made it a point to get back home, regardless of where she had gone the night. 

Even the cutlery baffled her. They had tin spoons and forks with a few legs missing at best. Not the fine, heavy cutlery she was laid with. Gold lined plates? Were they really necessary for breakfast? The bacon, sausages and eggs the man he called Collingsworth had piled on her plate had been more luxurious  then Elle has ever had. Lacey would've gotten the vapors if she saw this! 

"Does the meal not suit your taste, Miss Elle?"

"J-just Elle will do, du- my lord." she replied, confused as to why he smiled when she addressed him as lord. Was it not correct? " And nay, I'm just... worried that Lacey would be worrying over me."

"Don't worry. Once we're done with breakfast, I'll take you to see a friend of mine. He'll be able to get word back to your Lacey on your whereabouts."

"I'm not returning home yet?"

"I apologize, Elle, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to retain you within my property for quite a while longer. You see, this... situation I'm working on is a tad bit more sticky, and slightly dangerous for you if you were to return to East End." Excuses, Fabian's mind scolded him. Deep inside, he knew he loathed letting Elle return to her place in the slums. For what reason exactly, the young Duke did not care to figure out. For now though, he enjoyed watching her cautious gold eyes watch the cutlery, before she picked them up. It was as if her muscles immediately remembered how to use them though, and soon enough Elle was shovelling eggs and bacon down her throat, with Collingsworth at the ready for seconds.

Just who was this chit? Her clothing, story and manners all spoke of her upbringing in the most unsavory street in London. Yet something about the way she moved, looked, and even spoke told Fabian's instinct that she did not belong on the streets.

"Just how exactly do you need my help, my-"

"Actually, Miss Elle, the proper way to address Lord Rothesay is your Grace. He is a duke." the butler finally spoke up, apparently unable to take the mistake any longer.

"Oh! I-I'm sorry." Elle's face flushed immediately. It was a shade of red Fabian was beginning to realize he was quite taken with. Waving his butler away, the male shook his head to try and alleviate some of Elle's discomfort obvious upon her actions.  "Don't apologize. And please, Collingsworth, Elle isn't familiar with our rules so I think she doesn't need to be berated as such." 

"Oh, I don't mind at all. Lacey said I was a fast learner. I had to learn how to speak like her the moment I got better, back when she first found me."

"Speak like her?"

"Apparently, I sounded too polished to survive in East End. Lacey spent a long time teaching me the slangs and tones, before she taught me pickpocketing."

Again, the tidbit of information raised Fabian's brows. As of now, he was almost certain that Elle belonged nowhere near the slums of London. With a way of speech and movement too refined, Fabian itched to find out the secret, whatever it was that had happened to her before she turned ten. 

"What help do you need from me, exactly?" It was a curious question from Elle, but she ached to know. A part of her was apprehensive if she'd even be able to do whatever it was this high and mighty lord wanted her to, yet another part of her was wary, cautious. After almost twelve years of being taught that the upper class of London was dangerous, not to be trusted or relied upon, Elle found it difficult to believe this Fabian Rothesay would be any different.

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