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"Are you sure it's alright, Fabian?" Elle hissed, in the dead of the night. Having been staying in Avondale estates for the past month since their wedding, Elle had almost forgotten how cold the chilly winter night could be, and shivered, pulling her wrap closer around her shoulders as she stared at the shadowy figure of her husband. He was dressed in black breeches and a black tunic, 'so he could blend in better', he had said. Elle had laughed and asked if he thought he was a chameleon.

Unperturbed, Fabian had grabbed her and proceeded to truss her up in similar clothing. The wrestle had descended into something else entirely, which explained why they were delayed by almost an hour coming down to the stables. Fabian had planned for them to come down before the crack of dawn, but he was now saddling Khan and Peony by aid of the rising sun. 

Over her shoulders, Fabian had slung two cloth bags which he now took from her, hooking them up to the saddle hooks, before extending an upturned palm to his wife. "Come now, we don't have much time before the household wakes up."

"I really think we shoul-" Elle started, hesitating. Her words were cut off as Fabian yanked her towards him and silenced her with his lips. "The Duke and Duchess of Avondale need not report to anyone should they wish to take a jaunt to the Weymouth for a week or so."

"Are we travelling entirely by horseback?" she questioned, staring at their two steeds.

Fabian laughed, pressing another kiss on her forehead, and then picking her up to settle her comfortably on Peony's saddle. "No, sweetheart. We'll get a carriage once we're a little way aways. I just don't want Mother to go on more about 'little Fabian and Elle's', I don't think I can take it anymore."

The long suffering sigh her husband gave caused Elle to chuckle, pulling on the reins so the sedate mare would follow the more sprightly black stallion. "You don't want children then, your Grace?" she teased.

Fabian sighed, and then levelled a stare at his wife. "You know I want to." In fact, just the idea of filling Elle with his seed, and have his offspring from his beautiful wife, was enough to make Fabian feel like dragging Elle on to his saddle and have his way with her. For once, he cursed the fact that she wore breeches, but left the idea to a side, as he continued speaking. "But I find no need to rush the idea. If it happens... well, it'll happen." At the rate we're going, it'll definitely happen. He mused in his own mind.

Elle flushed at his words, and then took a deep breathe. "It's been awhile since I've been out like this."

Fabian looked at his wife, and a small portion of guilt seeped into his heart. While it was partially his doing, Fabian had been particularly overprotective of her, to a point of ensuring she was always followed by a footman once she stepped out of Avondale ground's. Even as she pottered around the estate's little gardens working on them, he has stationed a footman specially to keep an eye on his wife. The servant's don't mind, for they love their new mistress. The Dowager Duchess had retired to the smaller cottage conjoining the larger estate, stating she did not want to disturb the newlyweds, especially since Aunt Georgina had came to fetch Charlotte to prepare her for the upcoming Season in London. Elle had stated her grievances, but Fabian steadfastly reminded her that the Agents had yet to lay a finger on the Moonlighter, and as such he was taking no chances.

However, it was because she had been under house arrest for quite some time, that Fabian had decided to bring her out on a little jaunt. He had spent the last month finalising the reports to Abbott and the Agents, ensuring his steward had a handle on all the estates. With all his duties settled, Fabian had fully intended to give his wife his full attention for the week he had in mind for them in Weymouth.

Looking at her soft smile as she turned her head towards the rising sun, Fabian couldn't help reaching out to tuck her soft brunette tendrils behind her ear, smiling as she turned her eyes to him. His chest filled with the affection he had for his gentle, mildly insecure wife who was stronger then she admitted of herself. "Have you liked it so far, Duchess of Avondale?" he asked, chuckling as she made a face. Elle had never gotten used to being called 'your Grace' yet, feeling awkward whenever the servant's did so.

She cocked her head at him, and then spoke. "Depends. I've enjoyed the clothes, the food... most of all, you." She paused, and then continue. "But I enjoy knowing that I can do so much more for the people I used to know back in the East End. I've seen how being trained and taught skills have changed the way Terry and Freddie act." The girl laughed as she thought of how proud her two friends were, strutting around as young pages now in the uniforms they wore proudly. "Makes me wonder what more can other's achieve, if they were given the same opportunities."

"Do you wish to help them?" Fabian asked. He knew his wife was still feeling at odds and ends at doing nothing all day.

The suggestion brought a sparkle in her eyes, and she turned to him in widened excitement. "I can? How?"

"We have foundling houses, orphanages and the like around London. I've always thought it wasn't enough though. You could-"

"Open one?" she asked, cutting him off. Her enthusiasm had him laughing in delight, loving the way Elle took on the world by it's horns. "Yes, you could." 

"But... do you think I'll be able to do justice by it?" her insecurities creeped up again. Knowing by now that it'll take awhile before she would be fully confident of her own abilities, Fabian grabbed her hand, and brought them to his lips.

"You'll be able to achieve anything you want, darling. You are Elle of East End, afterall."


And that concludes Fabian and Elle's story! I did enjoy writing about Fabian, and his dashing attitude at being Elle's consistent knight in shining armor. But somehow halfway through the story, I began to adore the sibling love that sprouted between Lucan and Elle too. He's that big brother I think all of us would always want. <3 

I do hope all of you enjoyed their story! I miss them already. T_T But fret not! You'll see more of them in the next installment coming up in the Agents of the Crown series! I'm either going to start on Charlotte's story next, or I'll give Hammond MacKenzie from my Highlander series it's due attention first. I have both planned out already, and I'm actually eager to start both (am I crazy for considering writing them both at the same time? xDD I think I may die). 

Finally, thank you very very much for following voting and commenting on my stories! I do realize I do not edit my stories, and  don't plan on doing so anytime soon for I write simply for my own leisure. Thank you very much for giving a tiny hobbyist like me your time and attention!

Much Love,

kitsumiekat. <3

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