Chapter 25

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Telling Fabian's mother and sister's had been a breeze. Charlotte had been overjoyed, Grace Rothesay just sipped her tea with a knowing smile, while Pippa whom had just met Elle once she entered the doorway was quick to wonder out loud just how did Fabian manage to capture the attention of such a gentle creature, much to her brother's annoyance.

Lucan and Cassandra Stefford however, was an entirely different case.

Understandably still protective of Elle, Lucan had swept Fabian away into his study, while Cassandra anxiously sat her daughter now, folding Elle's hands in hers on the settee. Nervous eyes settled on the younger girl. "Are you extremely sure on your decision, Rochelle? Its only been a week of being back, perhaps you simply need-"

"I've never been more sure of another person, Mother. I promise you. I've lived my life not knowing who I am exactly, but somehow I know who Fabian is to the dot." Her mother cocked her head, not really understanding her words. "I may not have known his name or title when we first met, but I do know him. He is caring and compassionate, willing to help beyond the call of need. He is someone who would never leave someone else in the lurch, and I think I'd very much like to have a husband like that in life."

"You've known him for all of two months." the elder countess insisted, worry evident.

"Two months of him thinking I'm a street urchin, and yet he loved me. He called on me everyday after I got my memories back and resided with you and Luke. He never stopped." Elle explained earnestly, hoping her mother would see sense. "I love him. It isn't a whirlwind romance ,but a gentle, sedate one that would last for years, at least I hope. He makes me feel safe."

"And we do not?" she responded, appearing quite wounded. In her month of being with her mother and brother, she has realized that Cassandra Stefford was an easily hurt lady, who wore her emotions on her sleeve. 

"You do, both of you. But Fabian is... different. Don't you get it? He..." she trailed off, as if finding the correct words. "He's just right."

Back in the study, the tension was as taunt as a piano string, and most of the energy emanated off from Lucan, who sat behind his table. Despite Fabian being of a higher rank then Lucan in terms of heirarchy, the young Duke stood dutifully without a word whilst Lucan poured himself a drink. The obvious act of not offering Fabian one was already  a clear sign that Lucan was not going to make this easy for him, but then again, Fabian expected nothing less.

"My sister? Just what have you been doing behind my back the whole time Elle was staying with you?" It was a hard question. Fabian's mind flitted back to the time when he had kissed her, and had more then just the kiss on his mind. There's no need for him to know that, his mind hissed at him.

Taking heed of his gut, Fabian cleared his throat and met his friend's gaze. "Nothing. I have been perfectly respectful to Elle during her stay in my residence. And after that, I had observed all rules of propriety upon my calling of her when she returned to Greystoke Manor in London. You can ask anyone of our servant's."

Lucan appeared to doubt Fabian's words, but did not question further as he took a sip of his port. It being early evening, was too early for a regular drink, but this should not count as a normal occurrence. His eyes never left Fabian's face, swirling his amber liquid in it's glass. "And your intentions to her?"

"Marry her. She is the strongest girl I've ever known. You know of our work as Agent's. None of the simpering misses out there would be able to handle knowing, and I really don't think I could keep such a secret from my wife. Elle knows, and she seems perfectly capable of handling herself, as well as keep that information a secret from the rest of the ton." Fabian explained

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