Chapter 19

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"I assure you, Lord Fenwick, that I am no thief."

Fabian had automatically pushed Elle so she was half-shielded by his body. The girl however, defied his expectations by stepping forward and meeting the enraged lord head on with a serious face and a determined look in her eyes. Castellan Fenwick seemed to be having none of it, judging from his outraged expression. "Do you protect this miscreant, your Grace? Do I have to report to the magistrate and the House of Lords as well?"

"Lord Fenwick, I implore you. His Grace has done nothing wrong," Elle spoke up before Fabian could defend them again. "I was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"In my safe?!" Fenwick replied sarcastically, cutting in before Elle could finish her sentence.

"I have a legitimate explanation, so long as you let me finish my story." By then, Lionel had also ran in. The undercover Museum of Money owner drew to a stop when he observed the situation, exchanging looks with Fabian. "Lord Fenwick, the lady speaks the truth. Do let us explain."

When Fenwick remained silent, albeit still keeping suspicious looks on Elle, Fabian and Lionel took turns explaining. When they got to the part where Elle had disappeared from Fabian's townhouse just the day before, she picked it up from there. Her story of being shoved in a safebox had Fabian balling his fists, but as if she knew the frustration he felt, Elle subconsciously placed a palm on his arm as she spoke. By the time she finished, Fenwick looked incredulous on top of his suspicious gaze, switching between Elle and Fabian. 

"Is there any proof of this?" he finally asked, not sure if he wanted to believe it.

"My word is proof, Fenwick. Surely you've been acquainted with me long enough to know that." Fabian replied.

"And why would you and Chadwick both know about this?" he asked. That question had Lionel and Fabian stumped, as their eyes met and their throats clogged. No one knew about the Agents, yet in a situation as this, neither of them were sure if they should keep their silence or go on.

"I personally asked for Lord Avondale's help. Lord Avondale had to enlist the assistance of Mister Chadwick, due to the sticky situation I was in."

"Why would he help you?" Fenwick queried.

"Because I am the lost sister of Lord Lucan Stefford, Earl of Greystoke. My father was attacked twelve years ago by his enemies, and I was forced to flee. I lost my memories when something hit my head, and stayed in East End for the past twelve years." When she paused, Fenwick's eyes were wide as he stared at her. As if for the first time, he noticed the chestnut locks. As unfashionable cropped as they were, Elle's form was unmistakably female. And another closer look prompted Fenwick to ask slowly. "But...But she was declared dead."

"I can assure you, Lord Fenwick, that I am not dead. I am Rochelle Stefford, only daughter to Luther and Cassandra Stefford." With every word she declared of her status, Fabian watched with a mixture of pride and satisfaction as the Elle he knew pulled herself up and stood at her height. Gold flecked eyes glimmered with the satisfaction of being able to place herself. Fabian's eyes flicked to the doors when a movement caught his gaze, and he saw Lucan step in just in time to hear Elle's declaration. The look on his face was a mixture of pride and joy, and for the briefest of second, Fabian himself felt fear.

Sweeping that emotion away however, he looked up when Fenwick addressed him. "You condone this, Lord Avondale?"

Fabian nodded, motioning at the door where Fenwick seem to just realize Lionel and Lucan's arrival. "Lord Greystoke can attest to the fact that this young lady here is his sister."

Lucan gave a grateful smile to Fabian, and nodded. "And I very much wish to get reacquainted with her." His words were poignant with meaning. Lucan gave Elle a smile. "I have missed you, little sister."

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