Chapter 23

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They told no one as they left. And since the Season was at it's end already, no one found it odd that three carriages rumbled out of Mayfair on a late evening. Fabian had been holed up in his study, anxious to get his papers done so he could visit with Elle again the next day. He had respected her want to see Lacey and as such had refrained himself from paying a visit to the Stefford townhouse the day before, but his plans to go visit them had been dashed when his steward came to him with the never ending paperwork to sign, the stocks that his steward had checked, as well as tallying the rental of his landowners. Occasionally, Fabian wondered just how long could he keep up with being Duke while simulatenously being an Agent on call.

Before he knew it, the sun had set on that day, and he had had no choice but to retire for the night.

So imagine his shock when he went calling on the Stefford household the next day mid-noon, only to be notified by their butler that the Stefford's have left.

"What do you mean, Wesley? Their gone?" Fabian echoed the butler's words, seemingly unable to wrap his head around it.

"Tis just what I mean, your Grace. Lord Greystoke had left with the Lady Rochelle and the Countess just yesterday evening." Wesley responded evenly.

"Where have they left to?" Fabian questioned, his mind racing now. How was he supposed to convince Elle that she should be with him, if she wasn't even around? And here he thought he had been making great progress. She had seemed to be loosening up around him, even agreeing to go on rides on his chaise now. Why did that fool of a friend of his had to bring his mother and sister off now?

"Home, your Grace."

"Home?" Fabian echoed again. By then, he was quite sure Wesley thought him daft, but the duke honestly couldn't care less.

"Notting Hill, your Grace. Lord Greystoke saw it appropriate a time to retire back to the countryside." Wesley responded again.

Too caught off guard by the information, Fabian had backed off the doorsteps of the Stefford townhouse before Wesley had even finished his sentence, launching on his stallion before riding him helter-skelter down the streets. Upon arriving back at the Avondale townhouse, he surprised his sister and mother by his sudden entrance into the parlor where they both sat enjoying tea, causing Grace Rothesay to shoot her son a dark look as she quickly tried to dab at the stain the tea had caused on her lavender day dress. "What is the meaning of this, Fabian? I'm quite sure I have taught you all the manners of being a gentleman, and this is surely not something you're supposed to do. Have you picked this up from your new friends? Goodness, do pick-"

"Mother, I am terribly sorry but I didn't mean it." Fabian hurriedly cut in, continuing before the Duchess could continue speaking. "I am returning to Kensington."

"To that big old drafty estate, but why? Charlotte's barely got here." his mother protested.

"I'm happy to go back. It's getting too crowded here. We get too many visitors everyday." his sister piped up. While Fabian had had an aim in mind, he couldn't help but blink in surprise at Charlotte's sudden enthusiasm at returning to the Avondale Estate.

"Weren't you very excited over being in Town for the Season, Lottie?" he asked.

"Well, the Season's over, and like I said, too many people come calling." the blonde replied flippantly.

"But we've only had Mister Chadwick over on a daily basis!" his mother replied in wonder. "Oh by the way, he says he's been trying to catch you, but he never says what for. You're just always out to see Elle, that he just ends up staying."

"He's one person too many. When are we leaving, big brother?" Charlotte responded airily, not even bothering to address her mother's aghast look. Fabian however, had an inkling as to his sister's behaviour, but decided to let it drop.

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