Chapter 20

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The extraction of Freddie and Terry was fairly uneventful, as the warehouse was empty by the time Fabian and Lionel was through. They surmised that the approach of the chaise they had drove, as quiet as Fabian had attempted to be, had been heard by the Moonlighter, who fled the scene. As such, when they emerged from the warehouse, Elle and Lucan only saw them helping two half-dazed boys still knocked out from their dose of opium, and with heavily bruised wrists. Elle made them comfortable on the chaise, as they proceeded to exit East End.

Upon exiting on to the regular cobbled streets of London again, there was abit of an argument between Fabian and Lucan, upon who would actually bring Elle back. Elle was tempted to go along with Fabian, just because she didn't wish to be apart from him again. But a part of her also wondered if her attachment to him was simply because he had been the only anchoring person she's felt safe with over the past few months. What would she do if they do end up being together (for she had no doubt that Fabian fully intended to offer, after their conversation in the chaise), and she only realized after that hers was a passing infatuation? She had had close to no chance to explore the world, and now that she did... Elle didn't wish to be unfair to Fabian should she decide too early, but then wandered later on in their lives.

"Luke, I would very much like to meet Mama again." Elle cut in between their hissed arguments, as she tucked Freddie and Terry in to her side. 

Caught by surprise, the two stared at her, before their faces changed to become stark contrasts of each other. Fabian's features darkened, reluctance creeping into his pale green eyes. Lucan on the other hand, looked absolutely overjoyed. Her elder brother all but bounded towards her, eagerness obvious as he clambered up the chaise. Not to be left behind, Fabian strode quickly across as well, addressing her in a softer tone. "Are you sure, Ellie? It is everything that is unfamiliar, and you will be surrounded by people and situations you aren't used to. You-"

"I'll be alright. If anything, I remember that Luke had never let anything happen to me if he could help it before, and he isn't likely to start doing so now." Elle responded gently. It would be a lie if she said she wasn't eager to return home with Fabian, but she also knew she needed some time to clear her head. Lucan nodded in assent. "I won't let her out of my sight, Rothesay, really."

Fabian was torn, surprised at the reluctance he felt in letting Elle out of her sight. But he had no choice. Elle had openly admitted that she was Lucan Stefford's sister, and it was obvious his friend was chomping at the bit to reacquaint himself with his sister. Finally, he took a step back and nodded. 

"Do you need me to take over the two boys, Miss- Lady Rochelle?" Lionel corrected himself quickly. Elle looked up in surprise, and then laughed. 

"Don't be so formal, Mister Chadwick. I'm more used to you calling me Elle, so do please continue." she responded. Lionel looked uncomfortable, but she decided to let it slide. "I'll look after these two. Mama wouldn't mind, would she?" Elle looked over to Lucan for confirmation. He shook his head, much to Elle's delight. "I don't think I'll let them return to the rookery, really. They deserve better. They were my best friends when I was in there."

"Call me if you need me. You know where my residence is. I'll call on you tomorrow." Fabian murmured, worry still evident. His concern touched Elle's heart, and she nodded. "There is really no need, but I'll be happy to see you."

The duke nodded, and then turned to look at Lucan. The two exchanged a silent conversation, each knowing how much the other would give up for the lady in question. Lucan, to pay for the guilt he felt over the many years she had lost, the years she should've had as his sister. Fabian, for how integral she had become in his life, and just how much he was willing to give up for her safety, to protect the strong-willed, capable female he had come to know was Rochelle Stefford.

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