Chapter 9 - Picture of Lucan

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The physician had not appreciated being roused at such a late hour, but it wasn't exactly easy to say no, especially not when the ones who had summoned you were both the Duke of Avondale and the Earl of Greystoke. Looking haggard and still in his night rail, it was a pure battle of wills within the hastily prepared bedchamber within the Avondale Mansion where Elle lay, still unconscious on the four poster bed. Maids had been summoned to dress her appropriately, but Fabian had quickly sent them off once they were done.

By the time the physician pronounced her in good health, with just a few scrapes as well as the need to rest, the sun was just beginning to rise on the horizon. Deciding that getting any sleep at all would be futile at that point in time, twilight found the three men huddled in Fabian's room, nursing glasses of whiskey and brandy respectively.

"On the bright side, we've got the boys and the two goons. I'll deliver them to the Agency tomorrrow... well, in a couple of hours." Lionel wryly raised his glass at his two companions, who laughed along with him. "On the other hand, both Gizmo and Cody have proved extremely tight lipped so far regarding who hired them, so we can't exactly tie them back to the Moonlighter."

"Odd. Why would their loyalties lay so deep? I would've thought these would be hired help." Lucan mused, running a hand through his locks of brown. "My guess is that the Moonlighter has some sort of hold over them, but if they don't talk, we're essentially back at square one." Fabian downed the rest of his amber liquid, placing the glass next to the crystal decanter on the oaken table, eyes flickering to Lucan in curiosity. "How long have you been with the agency? And you guys have known each other for awhile?"

In a way, Lucan couldn't blame this new acquaintance of his for his rather curious question. He was, afterall, in Fabian's residence as the rest of the world woke up. Usually, privileges like these were granted to the closest of friends. "I've been with the agency since fourteen. I skipped Eton and spent the rest of my schooling years with Sir Abbott, under his tutelage for three years until... until my family was met with something close to a disaster."

"Disaster? Not of the natural type, I should think." Fabian mused, raising his brows. Lucan laughed, and shook his head. "That was when I met Leo, actually." he exchanged a wry grin with the blond owner of a gaming hell. "We worked on the case of my family together, although we never got anywhere."

"It's one of my unsolved cases. Mark my words, I will get to the bottom of it." Lionel waved a finger. Lucan shook his head. "Even I've given up on it man. It's been twelve years, I don't think she's even still around."

"She?" Fabian interjected, thoroughly confused now.

"My sister." the male paused, his eyes no unfocused as if he was caught up in history. "Something... happened to my family, when my parents were in Town one day. I was seventeen, and still with Sir Abbott in the Agency's countryside manor training. I was called to return to Greystoke estate in London, to find out my father had been murdered, our townhouse in flames, and my sister... missing."

"How is she missing? What happened?"

"My father is a prominent figure in the Parliament, backing a few very important but contentious papers that were being discussed to be passed. His party did not fancy his way of thought, that it was too heavily in favor of the Liberals. My father was... not a man who backed down from a fight." Lucan downed the rest of his whiskey. "He was burnt alive. We found his body in the rubble. Luckily, my mother had been visiting her family the night it happened. We suspect they intended to get the whole family."

"And your sister?"

"She was never found. The police thinks her body was so small, it was burned to ashes, and wrote it off as a death. I don't believe them, and neither does my mother. At the beginning, I spent days, weeks, months looking for her. But after awhile... life has to go on. Mother has never been the same though, and she's never returned to Town. She stays in Greystoke Castle, in Notting Hill."

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