Chapter 6

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There was a wistful smile upon Fabian's face as he alighted from his carriage and was ambushed by the figure of his youngest sister, while his mother gave him a more sedate peck on each cheek. Charlotte and Pippa seem to embody the life that had once simmered within the Dowager Duchess of Avondale, the Lady Grace Tanner Rothesay. Ever since her husband's death a year and a half ago, she had retreated even further away from society. Truth be told, Fabian knew she had no wish to return to society, which was why he had offered to come and pick Charlotte up to be in Town when her mourning period ended in a month and a half's time, just when the Season was about to wrap up.

Of course, the fact that Fenwick's country estate stood not a 30 minute drive away from his did help matters, especially after Lionel got wind that he planned to bring his blood diamond to his country estate. Lionel was on hand in town to watch over the ports and carriages, while Fabian chose to pay a 'visit' to his friend's estate soon.

For now though, he was too smothered by the love the females of his family had for him, to be able to even broach the topic of leaving so soon. Charlotte was beginning to speak at a mile a minute, as he led them back in.

"... And Mama had this gorgeous new sea blue muslin gown made for me, which I know I'll be wearing to the ball of the season. I'd love to wear it to my presentation at the palace, but you know we always have to wear white to that. Of course, Mama picked the most gorgeous lace number too." his sister finished, wearing a bright grin which Fabian indulgently tapped her nose with a laugh. "Of course Mama did, she always has the best eye for fabrics."

Grace Rothesay gave a gentle smile at her son's praise. "Pish posh, Fabian. Lottie, do give your brother some space to breathe. I don't think you've stopped talking since he got here." Fabian laughed, giving his sister's blonde head a pat when he noticed her pout. "Ah, don't worry Mother. I do miss my girls, you know. It's lonely in the townhouse."

"So why don't you visit more often?" came his mother's reprimanding remark. "You know I've got work to do. Why do you think we hire Mr. Barrowell? He comes with splendid records to get our ledgers done so I only do the most minimal of work."

"I do not deny you run the estate wonderfully, Fabian. But you could come and visit us more?" the elegant Duchess of Rothesay turned her mournful blue gaze. Sure enough, Fabian felt the hitch of guilt in him. "I'll try Mother, really." he finally relented with a sigh, patting his mother's hand. While his father had been around, the jolly old Duke of Avondale had been the life of the mansion, and his loss was still sorely felt, he knew especially by his mother who had loved her husband very much. "Are you sure you'd like to remain?"

It was obvious Fabian was worried, but his mother nodded. "Pippa will return a couple of days after you go off. I'm anxious to see her new husband."

Fabian winced at the reminder of that. He had only received news from his mother, of course, but from what he knew, Pippa had gotten together with one of the men he had sent to accompany her to her friend's Highland home. While he was a gentle, retired navy officer from what Fabian knew of him, he still wanted to know more of his new brother in law.

"Alright then. Do send for me if you need for anything, alright?" With a final kiss on his mother's cheek, he entered his study with Charlotte on his heels, chattering away again. "Will there be anyone left when we go, Fabian? Will you accompany me to every ball, Fabian? Will you introduce me? Is there anyone I can set my cap on?"

"You will not be setting your cap on anyone just yet, Charlotte Rothesay. You're only twenty. Don't rush these matters." he retorted. Fabian's sense of responsibility to his sister bristled at the idea of his youngest getting married. Heck, he wasn't even comfortable with the idea that Pippa was already married!

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