Chapter 26

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After days of being cooped up in sitting rooms, parlors, dressing rooms and shops with seamstresses, the wind flying through her hair as she rode after Fabian's galloping stallion felt more like freedom then ever before. While the initial rush of being engaged and the idea of a wedding felt exhilarating to her, she was tired of it all before the month was even up. While Elle was still apprehensive about the whole thing, she also had to admit that she had missed being with just Fabian alone, for their families had turned into guard dogs ever since the engagement.

As they slowed to a canter just on the edges of the Avondale estate, Fabian veered Khan off to the right onto a dusty trail, which Elle followed suit. The trail eventually tapered off into a glen, where Fabian slowly stopped Khan, and got off, quickly helping Elle get off. They let the horses graze, and Fabian gingerly took Elle's hands in his. Her heart went aflutter as he brought the back of it up to his lips, giving it a slow kiss with a meaningful look at her before tugging on it. "C'mon."

"Where are you bringing me Fabian?" Elle laughed, following despite her question. "I do hope this isn't some elaborate scheme and you're planning to now sell me off to the highest bidder to a tavern or whorehouse."

Fabian shot her a raised brow, suggestively letting his eyes eye her up and down, and then shook his head. "Sorry, no can't do. My clients all want the unused goods, but you glow with ownership. Mine." Elle scoffed at his arrogance, but Fabian laughed, continuing his trek.

It was an easy path, with the duke thoughtfully pushing the hanging branches and leaves out of the way for Elle. She was thankful for the breeches he had made her change into, for she couldn't imagine navigating the uphill terrain in her turquoise dress. After 10 minutes or so of going upward on a worn trail, Fabian gave a boyish grin when he pushed aside a particularly large leaf, and allowing Elle to go in first.

When she entered however, she realized why Fabian had wanted to bring her there.

It was a beautiful glen situated in the thin forest that served as the barrier between Avondale's estates and the land belonging to his neighbor. Running water directed Elle's gaze to a small, tiny waterfall really, that was just about as tall as her knee, feeding water into a pool smaller then the washbasin she had in her room. The mossy grounds made everything look particularly magical, and she didn't budge, fearing she'd somehow mess up the ethereal look the place had, even as Fabian stood behind her and pulled her in so she was held against his front.

"How do you know this place?" Elle asked in a hushed whisper. Fabian gave a husky chuckle right next to her ear. The soft tone made a shiver go up Elle's spine. Was this what people spoke of when they spoke of want?

"It's a childhood fondness of mine to go exploring. I'm one of the few heirs to a dukedom that actually wanted and took pride in my heritage. So as a boy, I used to go all over the lands. I know them all like the back of my hand. This is just one of the things I found out about the estates." 

"There are more?" Elle looked at him in surprise.

"Just little thing here and there. A lake south of the mansion, and then a nice little trail leading to town. I'll take you to them all, promise." Fabian responded gently, smiling when he saw Elle's happy grin.

Letting her turn back to focus on the little glen, he slipped something out of his pocket, and picked up her left hand. By then, his touch had directed Elle's gaze towards where he held, and her hazel eyes widened when he slipped a golden ring on her fourth finger. It was carefully wrought to look like a crown, with two pearls embedded on either side of a large emerald stone right in the center. "I never got you a proper engagement ring, Lady Rochelle."

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