Chapter 12

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Her head felt groggy again. How did it feel like again to wake up normally? Elle was beginning to wonder if this was all a dream, yet the harsh way in which the light pierced her eyelids seemed as if it was a sharp reminder that nothing was a dream. Why did her head feel like lead? Groaning as she pushed herself up, her stomach growled when she sat up, shaking her head to clear the remnants of the haze from it. Elle almost jumped when she noticed a figure standing at the foot of her bed.

"Lacey! Goodness, mus' ye look so horrifying? Gad. Whats the matter? Why do ye look so sombre?" Elle veered off, suddenly realizing how serious her friend look. For Lacey, it was a surprising thing indeed for her to look serious.

"Ellie, I have to go."

"Why the sudden urgency?"

"Why?" she paused, as if suddenly realizing what the duchess and Charlotte had somewhat implied yesterday. "Did something happen with Mister Chadwick?"

Lacey blanched, a sign Elle was quick to catch even if her friend shook her head in denial. "Don't lie to me, Lacey. I can see through yah, you know that. C'mere, what's the matter?" 

Tugging at her friend's red laced dress sleeve, Elle's heartstrings tugged when she saw the rather mournful look upon the darkheaded beauty's face. "What did that lout do?"

"Oh, he's no lout, Ellie gir'." And with that, Lacey's whole story came tumbling out. How Lionel Chadwick and her had been sharing a bed (well, a carriage first, during their first journey to Avondale), and how he had been attentive, way better then the previous lords she's had to entertain in the brothel. Lacey had soon begin to entertain thoughts that she would be his private mistress, but no sooner had she done that, Lionel had begun to shun her, until the night before when Elle had been indisposed in her bed, Lionel had locked his chambers from her entirely. Lacey did not know the reason, but Elle could only grow angrier for her friend with each syllable Lacey said.

By the time she finished, the smaller sized female wasted no time in throwing her covers off, slipping feet into slippers as she got up. "Elle, what do you think you're doing?"

"Giving him a piece of my mind, that's what!" 

Lacey launched for her, but Elle's quick actions had already led her to push her chamber door open - and falling right into a strong, masculine chest.

Scrambling to get to her feet, words abandoned her and all logical actions deserted her when she looked up into the pale green eyes, the one whose voice Elle was sure had lulled her to sleep the night before. 

"Careful, Miss Elle. Although I've got to admit, I'm beginning to enjoy this role of playing your knight in shining armour." It was a teasing lilt that accompanied Fabian's words, but it was enough to paint a faint powdery pink on Elle's cheeks. 

"What's the rush? Do you feel alright?" Concern was Fabian's first action to her, but his questions were forgotten when Lacey rushed out, drawing to a stop when she realized the duke was in the hallway as well. "Oh!" she gasped in surprise, doing a quick curtsy. "My Grace, I do apologize fer I didn't know of your presence."

"Please, don't stand on ceremony Miss Turner. Is there a reason for the rush, ladies?"

"No, jus-"

"Your friend is a horrible, incorrigible specimen of a man!" Elle announced before Lacey could stop her, much to her horror. Surprised by her declaration, Fabian blinked, caught off guard. "What makes you say that, Miss Elle?"

"He-he played with Lacey's feelings. And now he's shut her out!" 

"Elle!" Lacey finally launched herself at Elle, pulling a palm across the other's mouth before smiling at the duke. "Oh do ignore her, my lord." With a sheepish grin, Lacey tried to pull the struggling Elle back into her chamber.

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