Chapter 21

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It was barely the crack of dawn, when Lucan was rudely awakened by a loud knock on his door. With a growl, the Earl of Greystoke irritably rolled in his bed, scowling. "What is it Wesley? Have I not stressed before that I am not to be awakened before," he cracked his eyes open a smidgen, and growled even more. "The sun is barely up!"

His butler's voice carried an apologetic and mildly amused tone as he replied. "Tis the duke, milord. And I've tried my best to remind him of the utterly unfashionable time he's come calling, but he seems insistent."

The duke? Oh for Christ sake, the duke. Lucan dragged his sheets over his head, unwilling to be reminded of just who was now waiting for him possibly in his drawing room. As much as Rothesay was a fine friend and acquaintance to have on his side, he was turning bloody annoying. Why wouldn't he just leave it be for a few days while Elle reminded herself of who she was anyway? 

"He seems about to go abovestairs to look for Lady Rochelle, but we've got footmen at the stairwell." Wesley's voice drifted in again.

The idea of Rothesay going anywhere up stairs where his sister was possibly still abed was enough for Lucan to jump out of bed, hastily grabbing a shirt to drag it over his head before he yanked the door open. The way Wesley jumped out of the way was enough of a testament to the paramount fury he now wore as he stalked down the stairs, following Wesley's helpful call of "In the parlor, milord!" as he descended.

Making a right turn, his glare could've set a plant on fire when they fell upon the back of who was unmistakably the Duke of Avondale, Fabian Rothesay.

"Rothesay, this is an ungodly hour. Get your arse home and come back when it is a more feasible time!" Lucan wasted no time in ranting.

When Fabian turned around however, he merely wore an amused smile, as if nothing Lucan had said had applied to him at all. Dressed impeccably in his black breeches, white shirt overlaid with a maroon waistcoat. Even in his half-asleep, agitated state, Lucan had to admit that as much as he disliked it, Fabian Rothesay was a handsome figure befitting his position. Looking like a cat who had just dragged in a mouse, Lucan watched in aghast as Fabian strolled towards a settee against a window which showed the dawn, taking a seat before he spoke. "This is a feasible time. Tis almost time for breakfast, is it not?" Fabian replied smoothly. "I'm starved. I do hope it's a feast for the first meal of the day. Have to get your nourishment in, you know?"

"I don't give a bloody damn about what is served. We all had a late night yesterday Rothesay. Get home! Elle won't be down till whenever she wakes, for I have given instruction that she is not to be disturbed. Leave." Lucan ground out.

"I am a patient man." Fabian's simple reply had the Earl fisting his fingers, glaring at Fabian.

"What do you want? Do you really think I'm not fit to take care of my own sister, Rothesay?" Lucan finally asked. In truth, he simply wanted some time to reacquaint himself with his sister. At the same time though, while the duke had not garnered much of a reputation as his friend Lionel Chadwick had for being a rake, he wasn't too sure he liked the idea of relinquishing Elle so quickly to someone else, when he had just regained her.

Fabian paused, deliberating his words. "I am simply... I have been all she has known over the past couple of months, Greystoke. I'm merely concerned she would need a familiar face today, upon her return to Society." And I could not bear to be away from her for much longer. As pathetic as it sounded, Fabian tossed and turned the whole night, and when he finally did fall asleep, his dreams were filled with her cropped golden locks, flecked eyes, and the determined way she took life by the horns. The first thing he thought of when his eyes had snapped open that morning was her, and Fabian had decided to screw propriety and just come over. He didn't know just how long he could go without knowing Elle's well-being. "Do you plan on announcing her?"

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