Chapter 16

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The quietness that cloaked the room he stepped into was a familiar one. While being a guestroom, the Avondale townhouse was wallpapered much like the rest of it. His father had been a meticulous soul. But it wasn't the wallpapers Fabian had been keen to inspect, as he closed the doors behind him. His eyes roamed the darkness, illuminated by a single candle, until the pale green eyes fell on the soft, slowly stirring form under the covers.

He made quick work of the distance between entrance and bedroom. By the time the cropped chestnut locks were disturbed by a stirring Elle, Fabian was seated on the edges of the four-poster bed. He was unable to help the fingers going up to brush the stray strands away as her golden-flecked gaze fluttered open. "Fabian?"

"Ellie, don't fret. You're -" Where was she exactly? Fabian suddenly found himself very much wishing he could call his place her home. Did she feel safe, anywhere? Ever since he had met her, the duke was beginning to realize how Elle had no place to call her own. "-at my townhouse." It was a lame finish, but he found himself beating back that want in him. 

"Fire. Papa... He told me to run." she paused. Her broken, faraway tone was spoken with a gaze that seemed fixated on a place far beyond the four walls of the room. It was a look that brought an ache to Fabian's chest. Realizing her grip tightening on her sheets, the dark-haired lord gingerly covered her fist with his palm, rubbing the back of her hand softly. "Elle..."

She went on as if she never heard him. "There was gunfire. Shots. Mama had went out... Luke wasn't there too. He... he told me to go."

His breathe caught when her grip tightened. As much as he tried to soothe her however, it was good as naught. "They were loud. Papa... papa said people didn't like his work. He wasn't home sometimes. Mama said he worked to help people but... not everyone liked his help."

At that, Fabian's brows furrowed. People didn't like his work? If Lucan was right, what danger did the work of an Earl bring him? "Elle?"

"It was loud... Fabian, it was very loud when he... I heard him." her voice was wavering now, and Fabian got down to pick her up. Despite knowing how scandalous it would appear among the ton should anyone chance upon them, he didn't waste time in collecting Elle in his arms, noting with another pang to his chest how she was shivering. "I heard him Fabian, I heard him."

"Hush Ellie, no harm will come your way, I promise you." In his arms, he rocked her, holding her tight until her shivering subsided and her breathing evened out. Looking down at her, Fabian's own knot eased out when he saw the less frenzied look in her eyes, until her gaze finally sought his out. "I'm sorry, Fabian. I may have caused even more trouble for your family. Her Grace and Lady Charlotte have been nothing but good to  me, I-"

"Hush, tis nothing for you to worry about. My mother has need of the distraction anyway, and Charlotte is young enough for another season."

"She was so exci-"

He paused her words by placing a finger on her lips, trying to not think of how soft they felt under his roughened fingers. "She'll understand. Charlotte may be young, but she's a kindhearted girl." he paused, and finally couldn't resist but lean down to brush a chaste kiss on her forehead. "Go to sleep, Elle. Tis late."

Even before he finished his words, her eyes were already fluttering shut. But not before Fabian caught a muffled whisper which made him lean in. "What was it?"

"Lord Luther Milton Stefford."

The name made him pause, pulling back to blink at the girl. "Who is that?"

"My father, the Earl of Greystoke."


Lionel Chadwick lounged on the leather settee, still swirling his half-finished whiskey around when the door opened to admit Fabian within his study again. Lucan wasted no time in launching to his feet to head straight for the door, only to get yanked back again. By then, his face reflected anger and frustration, subsiding only a little when Fabian said "She's asleep."

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