Chapter 5 - Photo of Lacey

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Trying not to choke was a fete to be lauded upon their arrival at the scene. Right at the edges of Mayfair, a house was in blazes. The stables had completely crumbled in to ashes, and while people strew forward to join the line of people passing the buckets of water, not much can be done to subdue the fire. What they were doing instead, was trying to ensure the fire remained contained by flooding the area surrounding the place. Fabian took all this in quickly, frowning when he noticed how Lord Fenwick's house was not but a few streets away.

As he filed the information away for his future reference though, a brief glance to his back made the young Duke do a double take when he realized how Elle looked. He had been so caught up when he arrived and felt the heat from the blaze that he didn't even note how the lady fared, but under her short brunette locks, he saw her cowering at the furthest end of his seat in the chaise they were in. Her knuckles were almost white from how tightly they gripped the edges, and brown eyes stark with terror.

"Elle, are you alright?" Without wasting time, Fabian hurried over to the carriage, breaking decorum to brush his fingers against hers. He blinked in surprise when his skin registered how cold and clammy she was to his touch. Waving his hands in front of her widened gaze, Fabian tried to garner her attention, but it was as good as him not being there. "Elle, you needn't look so frightened, we have measures to keep fire under control here. Really, it's all good, see? The blaze isn't spreading now. The house is empty, as the Season hasn't began yet anyway."

No reply. There was a faraway look in her eye that stirred worry in his heart. Over the week of her being in his residence, while Elle had always been wary and careful, she had never been afraid. Fabian attributed it to her years of being in the East End, but right now anyone who looked at her would've easily taken her for a 10 year old child. The amount of vulnerability in her face was shocking.

As much as Fabian would've liked to be assured of her wellbeing however, even he was beginning to notice the faint murmurs as the immediate urgency died down, and many began to notice his presence along with who to them, was an unfamiliar face. Add the fact that she was obviously a female due to her dress, but with short cropped hair like an unkempt boy, and whispers were beginning to fly. Irritation rolled within him, frustrated at how his peers found it in them to gossip even in the face of a huge blaze, but decided against remaining for the sake of Elle.

Instead, he snapped the reins, the carriage bouncing under them as he got the calico steed to gallop their way out of Mayfair square. It was only when they were back upon the street of his residence, Fabian yanked at the reins to slow them down, looking next to him to breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the color returning to Elle's cheeks. "What happened?"

He was half expecting no answer to come again, so was quite surprised when she spoke, if a little breathless. "I never liked fire. The very first time Lacey tried to bring me to a bonfire we built in East End for winter nights, I froze. I'd rather wrap up with lots of blankets then go near one." It was genuine confusion and uncertainty in her voice that made him not go on any further with his questions, as they drove up the driveway. Giving his footman the reins and helping Elle down the chaise, the foyer emitted a welcome warmth after a cold drive. "But you're better now, I hope?"

"I am. I only needed to get away from it." She responded, even if she still wore that perplexed look. "Why the frown?"

"I.... I've always been curious as to why I'm so scared of fire." He cocked his ear, as they headed up the stairway towards the halls where their bedchamber was. When Fabian looked over however, he found the faraway look back in Elle's golden gaze, although more grounded this time, whilst she continued speaking. "Tis no normal fear. I get terrified, and I can't move. Can't speak, can't... nothing."

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