Chapter 22

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Her mother's words had resounded in her head, as did Lacey's quick chide of her upon their ride back to the East End to drop Lacey off. Lucan had wanted to come along, but a last minute call for his attention with the Greystoke estates had left him warning a footman to not let them out of their sights, before he reluctantly let them leave by themselves. Elle had been thankful for the brief respite from her brother, as it gave her some time to speak with her dearest friend.

"He is a duke, Lacey. I don't think I could po-"

"What did your mother tell you, Ellie?" Lacey reprimanded again, staring at her. Elle bent her head down, knowing when to give up the fight. "Look, his lordship knew aboot ye when ye wer' still a pickpocket, a boy even! I don't think he would offer fer ye if he minds in the first place."

"What if I end up embarassing him?" Elle replied, obviously distressed.

"Ye've always been a fast learner." her friend replied confidently with a laugh. "I think yer stressing yerself oot o'er nuthin'. Give him a chance."


"Yer afraid ye can't be the wife he wants?" Lacey asked. Elle nodded mutely. "Well, have ye asked him what kind of wife he wants?"

She had not been able to answer him that question, even after Lacey had gotten off at East End, and Elle was rumbling her way back. Peering out the window, she noticed that they were just passing Hyde Park, where any number of couples, courting, married or otherwise were taking evening strolls. Elle couldn't help but noticed just how matching they looked. Long hair, piled on heads with locks framing cherubic faces. Dainty fingers, pretty laughs... and her? She let her gaze drop to her hands, noticing the callouses. Her short hair. 

Even if Lucan and Fabian had been constantly by her side in the two balls and one luncheon she had attended since being reannounced as the Lady Rochelle Stefford, sister to Earl of Greystoke, Elle could not help but feel out of place. She could feel their looks, at how unfashionably short her hair was, how dark her skin was. She even cringed as she touched others, and constantly wore gloves to way her skin was rough and more dry in certain patches. The worst? Was that some of the face she recognized as the ones she's pilfered before.

"You mean you're the one who picked Lady Tania's pockets? I'm glad." Charlotte had tittered with a laugh, when Elle had joined the Rothesay's for dinner just the day before. Lady Grace Rothesay had insisted she come over, just to check on how she was doing. Elle didn't know if she should've been amused or horrified at how her mother had flew into a tiff that the Duchess dare insinuate she did not take care of her daughter. Elle had quickly appeased the temperamental but kind hearted Countess, before eagerly going to the Avondale townhouse. Even if she would not admit it (for Cassandra Stefford would be horribly offended), she did miss the Rothesays. 

"Why are you?" Elle couldn't help but ask, always entertained by the younger Rothesay's quick wit and nature for fairness.

"She's a harpy. She only has her eyes for the richest." Charlotte shivered at the memory. "I even think she's setting her claws on old Lord Prewitt, and he's old enough to be our grandfather."

Elle wrinkled her face. "If she fancies that kind of life, she can go ahead and have it, really"

"I mean, I know the old Earl's filthy rich from his shipping business and his estates... but really?" Charlotte spouted, shaking her head. "Then again, I guess if he pops early, she does get to inherit everything." A sneaky look popped into Charlotte's face, and she turned to her brother with an eager look that immediately made Fabian look at her warily. "Fabian, can we really not use Freddie and Terry as our own personal-"

"No Charlotte, you know we're trying to teach them how to be good man who proper jobs. You'll not be imparting the proper lesson if you try that." Fabian retorted, rolling his eyes. He'll never figure out how to handle his headstrong sister properly. "Anyway, Leo's coming over. He and I need to go over some stuff."

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