Chapter 18

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Fabian had never enjoyed balls, dances, or parties. In a way, his father's death had been an escape for him during their mourning period. As he entered the ball with his sister on one arm and his mother on the other, the young duke winced as they were announced. "You two will be alright on your own, would you not?" he clarified under his breathe, as they descended the marble stairwell into the crush.

His sister gave a comforting squeeze on his arm, while the duchess made an irritated sound in her throat. "You're making it sound like I need a nursemaid, son. We'll be fine. I'll watch over Charlotte. So long as you bring Miss Elle back. Poor girl must be frightened." 

When the both of them had heard of the story, Grace Rothesay had been shocked, while Charlotte had been more scared for her new companion then her mother. They had thought to sit the ball out, but when Fabian had explained the need for them to be at the function, the two ladies had readied themselves in record time. Fabian was mildly amused at the back of his mind, at how this was the first time he was actually in attendance before the punch began to get diluted, taking a sip.

Lionel arrived soon after him, surprising Fabian. "What are you doing here? And where is Greystoke?"

"He's with my men. Fenwick's on his way, and he's brought the red diamond with him. I have men following his carriage to be safe, but I'm here just to inform you that if you do manage to convince him to leave early, go with him. Just as a precaution."

Fabian gave a nod, and as quickly as he came, Lionel Chadwick melted into the background. He half thought he saw his friend's gaze linger upon the dancefloor before he left, but when he had followed his gaze, Fabian only saw his sister laughing with her friends. A frown marred his forehead, as he remembered how estranged Charlotte and Lionel now were, although he never could see why.

However, when Fenwick made his entrance with his wife, son and daughter-in-law, all was forgotten except his duty in hand. 

Castellan Fenwick was a portly but kindly old man, who had more friends then he had enemies, a rare occurence in the ton. As generous as he was round, the elder Lord Fenwick had his love of chocolate eclairs to thank for his rotund figure, yet none of it seemed to deter his wife from being equally doting on him. Lady Patricia Gwendolyn Fenwick looked happy as pie to be on her husband's arm, especially and most probably because her youngest son had returned ever since he had left for Brazilian lands after his marriage just eight months earlier.

The marriage between Lord Calvin Fenwick and the visiting Crown Princess of Brazil, Princess Liliana Navarro, had been news for weeks on the Times. No one could believe how nerdy, blue-stocking Calvin Fenwick had managed to snare the exotic crown princess, but when they met them out in the streets, it was quite obvious that Princess Liliana was smitten with her husband, as she was now.

In fact.... "I think she's pregnant!" His sister's excited squeal next to him almost made Fabian jump in shock, before he wryly raised his brow at her. "And that has to do with you in what way?"

"It's just exciting! And that should quell those annoying gossips from people like Isabella and Tania that their marriage was because Calvin Fenwick used a love potion." Charlotte finished steadfastly and with a stubborn huff.

Fabian allowed himself an amused smile. Half of it was a result of the fact that London ladies even had that sort of gossip in the first place (why do they even believe in things like love potions still?) However, the other half of his smile was more proud. His sister had always been one to fight for the plight of those less capable and less fortunate as she. While Fabian would never admit it, for he played the part of a difficult elder brother, he was proud of the young lady Charlotte had grown to be.

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