Chapter twenty-three.

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Chapter twenty-three.

We pulled up outside my house, instantly i was excited. I'd never been happier to be home.

'Where are we?' Louis asked looking around outside his window.

'Well we hope you guys don't mind. But we are staying at my house tonight. And tomorrow Rubys family are coming over for lunch to meet you both...' I trailed off, suddenly freaking out that neither Harry or Louis wanted to be in this shitty town with my family.

'Really?' Harry asked, his face showing no emotion. My stomach dropped.

'Yeah..' I said quietly.

'Well lets get going then!' He said getting out first and making his way down my driveway. I was closely behind him with Ruby and Louis walking hand in hand next to me.

My mum was waiting at the bottom of the steps for us. The only thing going through my mind at the time were 'thank god my mum is not considered a 'MILF'or Harry would be ditching me for her any second.

'I'm assuming you are Harry?' My mum said opening her arms to hug him. He just nodded and hugged her for a few seconds before she pulled back.

'And you must be Liam.' Mum said looking at Louis. He looked confused.

'I'm kidding. With these two girls talking about One Direction constantly when they are together i know you are Louis. Nice to meet you.' She said hugging him aswell. I felt my cheeks go a light shade of red. I don't know what was more embarrassing, the fact my mum was trying to be funny. Or that from now until we leave mum is going to be telling them just how much i like to talk about One Direction.

We followed her inside. I dragged my bag down the hallway to my room leaving Louis, Harry and Ruby with my mum. I flicked on the light, revealing my room just the way i left it. I fell down onto my bed exhausted. I looked up at my roof and smiled at what i saw.

The first two posters i ever got of Harry and Liam were stuck on the roof above my bed. I forgot about everything that had happened in the last month for a second. Remembering how i used to lay here every night, hoping and praying that maybe on day i would be lucky enough to meet the five boys who were my life.

'Nice room you got here.' Harry said sitting on the edge of my bed. I sat up and moved to his side.

'I like your roof.' He pointed up to the poster of him and winked. But strangely, i wasn't embarrassed that i had a picture of him over my bed. Or that half my wall was covered in pictures of his band.

'I like my roof too.' I replied with a massive smile. He pulled me closer to him leaning in to kiss me.

'I hope you are decent.' Louis said bursting through the door with Ruby at his side. I swear every time they were together they were basically glued at the hip.

Harry stopped only centimeters away from my lips, his breath tickled over my lips. I quickly closed the gap between us, kissing him with as much passion as i could in a few seconds. I pulled away looking at Ruby and Louis. They stood there staring at us.

'So, how can we help you?' I asked with a slight bit of sarcasm.

'Hey! Why do you have a poster of Liam above your bed but not me?!' Louis said looking up at my roof.

'I'm pretty sure if you went into Rubys room you would find a shrine of yourself...' I said laughing. Ruby blushed like crazy and gave me a dirty look, i just smiled at her.

'Cute.' He said simpily, moving behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist.

'You're cute.' I heard him whisper before kissing her neck.

'Get a room! Preferably not mine!' I said shooing them out of my room.

'Oi where are we sleeping?' Ruby asked before i closed the door.

'Spare room.' I said before closing the door on them.

I walked back over to my bed and crawled up under the covers, Harry following my lead.

'Will your mum mind that i'm in your bed with you...?' He said shyly.

'I'm pretty sure she knows i have slept in the same bed as you before...' I replied moving closer to him and snuggling into his warm chest.

'Just keep your clothes on this time.' I said pulling back to see his reaction.

'What are you talking about, I never take my clothes off!' He looked down at me.

'Not what i've heard.'

We were disturbed by a knock on my door.

'Come in if your name isn't Ruby or Louis!' I answered loudly. My door crept open revealing my mum.

'I hope you both have clothes on under there!' She said taking a few steps into my room. I pulled back the blankets revealing two fully clothes teenages.

'Good!' She nodded.

'Anyway, i just wanted to say goodnight.' She walked over to my side of the bed and kissed my forehead like she always did before walking back over to my door.

'What about mine?' Harry said out of no where. My mum turned to look at him confused.

I tried my best not to laugh, i've never seen my mum looking so unsure. After a few seconds she walked over to his side of the bed and kissed him quickly on the forehead just like she did to me. I burst out laughing.

'Geez Harry, you love them older!' I said between my laughs.

'Night kids.' Mum said quickly leaving my room.

I rolled over so i had my back to Harry. I was so tired, i could literally fall asleep any second. I felt him move closer, his body right up against mine. I smiled to myself.

'Night beautiful.' He said softly. I don't think i would ever get over his amazing accent.

'Night Harry.' I replied before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

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