Bonus Chapter - Five Years Later.

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Quick authors note: This chapter is dedicated to those who read this story and supported it five years ago when I wrote it. I am eternally grateful for each and ever read, comment and vote it received.

This chapter is dedicated to those who have waited all these years for a sequel or an update to gain some closure, to understand where Harry & Kyla (name change, sorry babes), Louis & Ruby, Zayn & Jazz, Liam & Maddy and Niall & Mel ended up in life.

I hope this chapter can answer those questions for you. Thank you.

- K x

Five Years Later.

"Harry would you please clear your work stuff up off the dining table?" I popped my head into his office, wondering why he had to spread himself over multiple rooms of our new house. "Of course love, just give me a moment" He replied typing away on his Macbook.

I made my way back into our kitchen, taking the banana muffins out of the over as the sound of the timer filled the barely filled room. Since moving into our new home we hadn't really found the time to go out and buy decorations to make this house feel more homely.

Between Harry busy writing for his first solo album and recording and me being busy with the usual housewife duties getting a chance to go to the store wasn't at the top of the priority list.

Years ago when Harry came back into my life in Melbourne we spent a few months there, giving ourselves a chance to grieve and have some time to ourselves. Our closest friends offered us their condolences but knew it was best to give us some space to mourn.

Eventually it got to a point where Harry couldn't take any more time off from the band, so he purchased a house in LA, nearby his band members places so I was close to my friends for support.

I loved that home, it was every girls Los Angeles dream. It was the home we our first child came home to, our little boy Jude. It had taken some time after the miscarriage to allow ourselves to be in the position where I could become pregnant again.

But two years later Jude was a surprise, a pleasant surprise and a beautiful blessing. I was scared to become a mother at nineteen, Harry had only just turned twenty, but we were in such a great place in our relationship it seemed right.

For Jude's first birthday we decided to fly to the UK to spend it with Harry's family. My family also flew out to be a part of the milestone. A one week trip turned into an year and a half stay.

Harry had drove by a cute little country house that he thought was the perfect fit for our little family. Growing family.

He purchased the house and we headed back to LA so he could continue his work. It lasted all of six months before morning sickness reared its ugly head and we found out we were expecting yet again.

We decided it was in our best interest to up and move our family over to the UK into our character filled second home. A few months later we welcomed our daughter, Emmeline.

Though Harry and I agreed we had never felt as complete as we did with our little boy and girl.

During my pregnancy Harry had finally popped the question, after around three and a half years of dating. Once Emmeline was a few months old we tied the knot in the English countryside, only our family and closest friends in attendance.

Before our little girl was born, while we were living in LA the band had decided to call it quits for the time being. Although it broke their hearts, their lives were changing and One Direction just didn't fit like it used to.

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