Chapter thirty.

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Chapter thirty.

'NIALL?' I tried to stay as quiet as possible, but he knew something and he looked like he had every intention of not telling me. He couldn't even look me in the eye.

'You're f*cking kidding me!' I said as i got up from the table and stormed out into the dark streets. I wondered where everyone was, wasn't this the city that never sleeps? It was only somewhere between 3 or 4am.

I had no idea where i was, nor did i have any idea how to get back to our hotel. But i knew for sure i was not going back in there with Niall. How could he sit there and lie to my face? That just made everything Caroline had said to me so much more likely.

'Kyla?' I heard Niall yell down the street in his Irish accent. It took all my will not to just go running back to him and forget everything. I was cold and scarred, but i wasn't going to give in this easy.

'Kyle stop being stupid. You will make a bigger mistake by running away than you will if you just come back to the hotel with us.' He yelled. I wasn't sure if he could see me, i did my best to hide behind the massive garbage bin.

'You know I'm right.' He added. He was right, i knew he was right. But unless he told me what was going on, this wasn't going to be easy.

'Gotcha!' I heard a deep voice say from behind me as they picked me up throwing me over their shoulder. I let out a scream when i realized that whoever it was, definitely was not Niall. Before i could scream anymore, he placed his massive dirty hand over my mouth muffling my screams. I kicked and screamed, hoping it would be enough until Niall came. But this guy wasn't having any of that.

'Stop it or you will regret it little girl!' I felt sick. I had no idea what was about to happen to me. But i wouldn't give up without a fight. I kicked my legs around hoping to land a kick somewhere where it hurt. I was obviously successful when he dropped me to the ground groaning in pain. I took all the strength i had and got up and started running, but it wasn't good enough.

I felt him grab my waist pulling me to the ground, i felt my body ache with pain as it made contact with the pavement. I let out a scream, not for help. But a scream of pain.

'I told you you would regret it! And i'm not even done with you yet!' He said, his voice sounded creepy and old. He grabbed my arm bringing it around my back as far as he could, i bit my lip with all the pain. I wasn't game enough to scream.

'Fuck you!' I screamed as the pain increased. He didn't sound impressed, just when i thought my arm couldn't go any further it did.

'What did you say?' He demanded.

'Fuck...You!' I said breathless. I had no idea why, since i had barely ran anywhere.

'Oh thats it!' He said, i felt him release my arm. I thought he had finally given up.

But that wasn't the case, seconds later i felt something hard impact the side of my head. I'd never felt more pain in my life. I didn't have time to scream, or do anything before my vision went blurry and before i knew it everything went black.

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