Take your pick

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Kara's POV~

The car ride was a few hours so of course me being me I fell asleep. I woke up and noticed that I was laying on Matteo's lap and he was running his fingers through my hair. I quickly sat up and moved away from him.

Matteo: sleep well?

Kara: yeah, sorry I fell asleep on you

Matteo: it's perfectly fine

He smiled at me

Matteo: we're here anyways

Matteo got out of the car and came to my side and opened the door for me. I thanked him and stepped out, happy to finally be able to stretch my legs. I looked around and noticed we were at this gorgeous lake. It was surrounded by rocks and the lake was massive.

Matteo: it's beautiful right?

Kara: so beautiful!

Matteo: so should we swim or eat?

Kara: Eat. I'm starved

We sat down and had a nice picnic by the water, Whenever I would look over at Matteo he would send me his dazzling smile. Matteo was such an amazing man, so handsome, so sweet and so full of answers. While we were still eating I had to ask Matteo about Fernando.

Kara: Matteo?

Matteo: hm?

Kara: Can you please tell me about Fernando?

Matteo: What do you want to know exactly?

Kara: Why I'm here? Why he's so mean? What's changed?! Why now!?

Matteo: I think you know why your here Kara, you know Fernando has feelings for you and your scared because you have feelings for him too.

I lowered my head knowing he was right.

Matteo: but what if I said I had feelings for you too Kara.

My head shot up like a rocket.

Kara: what?!

Matteo: I can show you the world Kara. Most importantly I can show you how a real man treats the woman he loves.

To say I'm shocked is an understatement, what am I supposed to say to that?!

Matteo: You don't have to say anything. I just want you to think about it Kara. Me or Fernando? Take your pick

Kara: I think you should take me back Matteo.

Matteo: but we haven't even swam yet..

Kara: I want to go back now!

With that being said I got in the car and Matteo followed. The car ride was silent all the way back. So many things running through my head I felt dizzy. What is happening?

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