Back to University

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Ughh...yeah, what was I saying?

Oh, yeah school. Crap

It's my first day back. The doctor to me today at home for a week, she said she wanted me to relax from the stress of school. In a way it helped, school has really been stressful, bu now I will probably have a TONE of work to catch up on...great.

I went over to my wardrobe and looked at my clothes. Hmm getting ready, one of the days biggest challenges. Like many people who suffer from eating disorders, I am a perfectionist. I have to look as perfect as I possibly can before I can even walk out the door.  After trying on a few different outfits I finally decided on my cream lace topshop dress with my Jeffery Campbell Litas. I put my hair into loose curls and clipped up the sides. After putting my foundation, concealer and bronzer I outlined my eyes thickly with eyeliner, as well as a heavy application of mascara and some false eyelashes. I grabbed my school bag and took one last look in the mirror. I wanted to cry.

Before I did actually burst into tears in a heap on the floor, I forced myself out the front door. 

After I short walked, I walked into my mornings class, the place where I seam to escape, just for a little while, my psychology lessons.

My psychology tutor walked in, probably the ugliest lady I have probably ever seen, Mrs Mesh. She was a stumpy, pudgy lady, who smelt like a wet sheep. She had  greying hair which she wrapped in a low bun. She also had appalling fashion sense, always wearing what looked like men's office shoes with black trousers which did nothing for her fat bum, and some very unflattering top with a cardigan she probably got in the charity shop. 

"Oh class, today I'm so excited" she said in her croaky, yet scretchy voice.

"We have a new student joining today, who's replacing the student that dropped out last term, come on don't be shy." She gestured with her arm to the person standing outside the door.

"Class, meet Mr.Malik."

Oh my, I could not believe my eyes. The hottest man I think I had ever seen walked into the room, I was speechless.

"Hey, my name's Zayn."

My jaw dropped.

"Class, welcome your new classmate."

"Hi Zayn" the class chanted, I continued to gawk.

He was God like. He was tall, dark, and handsome, and insanely good looking. He had the most beautiful light brown eyes. He had stunning deep skin, he look like he may have Pakistani heritage. His hair was pure black, shaved at the side, and long on top, which he spiked up. His left ear was pierced and he had the cutest mole next to his lip. Aw.

"Where should I sit?" he asked Mrs Mesh. Gosh his voice was sexy.

"Umm, you can sit at the seat next to Emily."

He turned to me, and gave me a cute grin. "Hey Emily."

The class turned to me, the girls looking clearly jealous. I just stared at him, I could feel myself blushing. "Ummm, hi Zayn." I stuttered. What a fab first impression...

He came over, dumped his rucksack onto the floor, and sat in his seat. He turned to me and smiled.

Oh gosh how am I gunna concentrate?

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