I'm here for you

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Zayn's POV

"We...we can get through this...together."

I could see her spirits lift, she looked a little dispelled, almost as if no one has ever shown her care or love before, this is all new to her. I wanted to cry with the thought, that she has been through all of this on her own. She looked light a huge weight had been lifted from her, she wasn't on her own any more.

"I love you Emily, I really do" I could see tears well up in her stunning hazel eyes, I knew that feelings were mutual, she didn't have to say it.

"What if James finds out?" she whispered, almost as if she was scared he could hear.

"Are you scared of him, Emily?" I could read her like a book, her face said it all, I could almost see her life's tragedies through her eyes. I could feel the anger begin to brew inside of me, if he ever dared to hurt her I would hunt him down, and I will hurt him.

I think Emily could sense my anger, like she could read me too, "Zayn, don't worry about it, he's never hurt me...well at least not intentionally.."

"Wait, What?" I almost shouted "What do you mean not intensionally?"

Pain seeped through her face, like some of the most pain full memories played in her mind. "He only did what I deserved, after everything thats happened to me, and all that I 've done to myself..." She trailed off, like she was trying to collect herself, "I've put him through a lot, I've hurt him, mentally, all of this has thrown him over the edge, he has outbursts sometimes..."

I almost screamed with anger, but nothing came out, I was totally speechless. I looked at her, slowly, my eyes scanned her whole body. She was tiny. Her clothing size must be so small that no shop probably carried it, unless it was the children's section. Her tiny little Bambi like legs looked like they were about to collapse under the strain of her body, I'm amazed they could hold her up. Her collar bones and ribs were visible through her dress, her kind face looked so tired and over worked. She looked so fragile, so vulnerable, I was scared that my touch would almost break her. A sickening thought hit me like a kick in the stomach. The thought that someone, anyone, but especially her boyfriend of all people, would ever try and hurt someone like her, so sweet, so kind, so vulnerable.

I know that me and Emily were going to have a strange relationship, but things will work out, I'm going to be there for her, and I'm not going to allow anyone to hurt her ever again. I'm gunna protect her.

Now all I need to do is to convince her to leave James. And no, not because I'm being sellfish and want her all to myself, but she's not safe with him, she doesn't even love him. I just want her to leave him, before I'm forced to get involved, and that won't be pretty.  I'm not afraid of James, I don't care if he finds out about us, but I do care about Emily, and I'm going to make sure he knows that.

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