Alone with him

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Finally, after what felt like forever, the bell rang to end my psychology lesson. The whole time I was trying to concentrate, but of course, I got distracted.

Pretty much the whole lesson I could see him looking at me in the corner of my eye. Whenever I turned to him he would always smile or pull silly faces to try and make me laugh, gosh he was so cute! He threw me a note, it read:

Hey Emily,

Yeah, cus I'm a dorky little new kid, how'd you like to show me around at lunch? And also because I need some excuse to spend more time with you :)

Zayn xx

I smiled as I read each word, and the fact that put kisses at the end just made him X10 cuter! And now it's finally lunch, so I can actually have a proper conversation with him.

"Okay, class dismissed" Mrs Mesh said

Zayn ran to my desk, picked up my bag, and put all my stuff in it.

"Hurry up I've been looking forward to this all day!" He said in a little kid voice as he jumped up and down. I laughed and slapped his shoulder, he winked at me. I went to take my bag from him, but he pulled it away and said "Don't worry, I'll carry it for you babe." Aw, he was such a gent. He put his arm around my shoulder as we walked out the room.

After showing him round pretty much the whole campus, he said "Lets go to that field over there." As he pointed to the school gardens, which was basically just a big field with a few trees and flowers in it, but it was still very pretty. We carried on walking, I tried to enjoy his company, but it was so unbearably cold, I couldn't hide my body's shivers.

"Hey, you cold?" he turned to me with a concerned expression on is face.

"No, I'm fine." I tried to say through my chattering teeth "Here," he said as he took of his coat and held it out for me, I smiled at him as I turned around to put my arms in the sleeves. He slipped his hands around my waist and pulled me close to him.

"Your shivering," He said as he hugged me tightly, trying to warm me up.  He rested his head on my shoulder, I could feel his warm breath down my neck. My heart was pounding through my ribcage as I could feel his soft lips gently brush my neck.

"Really, I'm fine" I reassured him as I tried to control my bodies vicious shaking, I did't want to worry him.

"Babe, your ice cold." He whispered in my ear, I could hear the worry in his voice. I lent into him, glad to actually have someone there for me. He sat on the ground against a tree, with me still in his arms, as he held me there. Time almost seemed to stop. It was like we were the only two people in the world.

I snapped back into reality. I've only known him for, what? A day? A  few hours? How can this be happening? He could sense something was wrong, and turned my body so I was facing him.

"Whats wrong babe?" He said, as his beautiful brown eyes stared deep into mine, I almost lost my breath.

"It's just...umm" I stammered, not sure what to say.

"Have I done something wrong? If you want me to stop just say so."

"No! It's...It's fine. I like being here with you. I haven't been this happy in a long time." I confessed, bringing my face closer to his.

"Neither have I. I feel like I've known you all my life. I know it's strange, its all happening so fast, but this feels right, being with you feels right, Emily." He smiled as one his hands went up and stroked my face. All I could do was smile, I didn't know what to do, I've never felt like this before, I loved every second of it. He leant closer to me, bringing my body closer to his. He kissed my cheek softly.

Oh my God, I think I love him, I really love him. This really is love at first sight. I leant in, and kissed his lips as one of my hands stroked his face, then started to fiddle with his hair. He kissed me again, as his sweet tasting tongue entered my mouth.Out lips moved in unison together, as if they were designed to kiss each other. With one arm holding me, as his other hand went to stroke my leg, then my thigh. He moaned as he deepened the kiss. He pulled me closer, ridding any space between us.  I could feel his heart racing inside his chest,  I could feel the warmth of his hand on my bare skin as his hand moved up my dress. I gasped  as his touch sent intoxicating shivers all up my body. My body became addicted to his touch, craving more, never wanting it to end.

"Hmmm." He moaned.

He began to kiss my neck as his hand trailed up my back to undo my bra strap.He stopped  for a moment, as he stared into my eyes with an unbreakable connection.

"Emily," He whispered, trying to catch his breath "I...I think I love you."

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