An uninvited guest

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Hey everyone xx

I am so sorry it's taken me so long to upload!  School is currently taking over my yeah. I have had a few messages pestering me to upload, but please remember, I do go to school, I have homework, revision, and other commitments, so please bear that in mind and be patient, I do what I can!

Stay beautiful,

Love Catherine xxxx                                                                                                                                                                                                 

After the drama of my introduction, we all went to dinner, where probably, more drama was to come. The dinning room look like a mix between a school cafeteria and a restaurant. There were about seven long tables that had eight seats around them. I went and sat with Laura, Megan, and another group of girls as we waited anxiously for dinner to be served. I began fiddling with my hair, one of my nervous habits.

"Hey Emily, I just wanted to say,  you introduction was so moving, I can't believe you've had to go through all that! If you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm here." Said a girl sitting opposite me. She had brown hair cut into a pixie cut, which looked really cute, and made her bright green eyes stand out.

"Hi, thanks. But I'm sure everyone at this table has had to go through a lot, this illness is probably one of the worst things a person can go through, and it's nice to meet you all!" I replied, glad to meet a nice group of girls who I knew understood me. I turned back to the short haired brunette, "I just realised I haven't asked for your name?"

"Oh, sorry, my name's Hannah," she turned to the three girls sitting next to her, "This is Ava, Lucy and Cecelia, come on girls introduce yourselves."

"Hi, so yeah I'm Ava, I've only been here a month, so I'm no longer the newbie!" She giggled. She had brown eyes, and long brown hair. She was wearing a ring that I knew was YSL, and here jumper was Ralph Lauren, so I was guessing she was pretty rich, but she didn't seem like one of those spoilt bratty girls.

"I'm Lucy," wow, her voice was like a melody, "I've been here for two years now, but I'm defiantly getting better, so I may be out in a few months, so I better spend all the time I can with you!" She said grinning. Her skin was porcelain, almost pure white, her hair was a fiery red, and her eyes were a pale icy blue, she was stunningly beautiful. I could tell she was getting better, she defiantly looked healthy.

"Don't forget meee!" Cecelia exclaimed and she laughed loudly. "I've only been here three months, so yeah. If you can't tell, I'm the loud crazy one haha!" She honestly was crazy! But she seemed really funny. She looked mixed race, her hair was jet black like a raven feather, cut into a cute bob. Her eyes were a light brown, and her skin was a stunning olive shade I always tried to get with fake tan, but I always ended up all orange and patchy.

"Uh oh, here comes trouble.." Cecelia said, looking over her shoulder.

I looked over, plates came down onto the table and the smell hit me. The smell of a cooked meal. Where's the packet? Where's the little label that tells me how many calories are in it? How much fat, salt, sugar is in it? I started to panic. I could feel my heart racing, my palms sweating, I can't do this, I can't do this! Especially with everyone watching me, they'll all think I'm some obese cow!

"Emily, are you okay?" I came back to reality. Laura was sat next to me, staring at me questioningly. "Don't worry, you're first meal is always the scariest. I still find it scary. But we are all eating the exact same thing, so don't worry, just relax, take your time."

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