Get away from me!

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Hey everyone! hope you're all having a great day x Chapter 15 xx So yeah it's pretty late at night and I should be doing homework, but this is more fun soo :) So yeah hope you all enjoy it xx please vote, comment and fan, it means a lot! xx

Stay beautiful,

Love Catherine <3

*The next morning*

Me and Megan were sitting at the large, over cluttered vanity table doing our makeup whilst Laura was in the shower.

"So, are you excited for Zayn's visit today." Megan said in a silly voice whilst she was trying to apply lipstick.

"Yes! I can't wait to see him. Last night felt like a month ago."

"Aw you two are so cute! I wish I had a boyfriend like that..." She trailed off.

"What's wrong Megs?"

"Oh nothing, just something silly.."

"It's okay Megs, you can tell me." I made eye contact with her through the mirror, she looked upset about something.

"Alright, before I came here, I had a boyfriend called Charlie. He was tall, handsome, funny. He treated me like a princess..." She looked at the ground, I could see a tear treacle down her face.

"What's wrong?"

" first everything was perfect, but one day, whilst we were out shopping together, some random guy tried to kiss me and touch me up, and Charlie was furious, he tried to almost kill him. Ever since then he was super protective. He wouldn't let me go out, he chose my clothes for me, he deleted all the numbers on my phone, he woudl'nt let me on the laptop...He called me names...He always told me how fat and ugly and disgusting I was, he said I would never be with anyone else, no one else would want me and that I should be grateful he stayed with me. That's when my anorexia started, I was everything he said I was, fat, ugly, disgusting, so I tried to make it better, do something right for the first time in my life, so he might even find me attractive....But he got worse. He said I was gross and too skinny and uglier than before. That's when he got abusive, he said I couldn't do anything right, we'd argue and he'd hit me again and again, he throw me on the ground, push me against walls, throw me across the room.....My friends started to get concerned, I seemed to get a new bruise everyday or a split lip or broken bone. They put two and two together and called the police, he's locked up now..."

"Wow Megan, I can't believe you've been through all that...." That's when I remembered, how could I forget? Oh no... "James.." I said outloud.

"Who's James?"

"My boyfriend, well kinda, it's a long story. I had a similar thing happen to me, once he found out about my eating disorder he got really angry and violent, but it was nothing less than I deserved so I just stayed with him..."

"No Emily! You can't say that! No one desverves that, Nobody!" I looked down to see we were both holding hands, and tears had fallen onto my jeans, we were both crying.

"Oh my god what's wrong?" We both looked up in surprise to see Laura wrapped in a towel with dripping wet hair.

"Nothing, just a little heart to heart." Said Megan.

"Are you sure you're both alright? What were you crying about?"

"Something in both of our pasts, but it's better now, we're moving on." I smiled at Megan, she giggled as she squeezed my hand.

"Okay good, umm can I sit there and borrow the hairdryer?" Laura asked.

After we had gotten ready and had a little breakfast, which thankfully wasn't as traumatic as dinner, we sat on the comfy chairs at the end of the hallway, waiting for visiting hours to start.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2012 ⏰

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