The greatest friends a girl could have

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Doctor Humberstone walked me to the end on the corridor and up the stairs, staying close to me at all times, like he thought I was going to die walking up the stairs or something. We walked through another corridor, which had a spacious hallway.  At the end of the hallway was a large window with a pretty view, and little wooden table with some lilies in a vase below it, as well as a comfy chair. It looked like a cute little hotel. He took me to door number 17.

"Here you go, as I said your luggage has been delivered. I leave you to settle in with your new roommate's. Dinner is at 7." With that, he smiled, and headed down staires.

I must have just stood there staring at the door for about a minute, completely frozen, whilst my mind raced with thought.

 Roommates? I never new I was going to have roommates?! And great, practically as soon as I get here I'm going to be having dinner. What if all the other girls are thinner, prettier than me? I'm gunna be the fat ugly new girl.  And at dinner, what if I eat too much, or too fast, and they think I'm some pig?

 Oh my gosh Emily, it won't be that bad, your new roomates are probably as nervous as you, just go in and stop being a baby.

It seemed like I was having an argument with myself in my own head, for god sake just go in! I forced the door open before my mind could argue against it.

I walked inside hurriedly, to see two girls sitting on their beds. There were three beds in the room placed next to each other in front of a large window, with a large door that lead to a balcony.  Next to the beds on one side was a large white wardrobe. On the other side was a vanity table, which was flooded with hair and makeup products. I was excited, perhaps they were huge makeup addicts like me too? Next to the vanity table was a white wooden door, which I presumed lead to the bathroom. The carpet was a light cream, almost white, it felt so soft and fluffy, like when they are brand new. The walls were a nice shade of beige, and the room in general looked very nice and cozy. The girl sitting on the left bed stood up and held out her hand for me to shake it.

"Hi I'm Megan," she said sweetly "It's nice to meet you." She had the loveliest smile. She had perfect, porcalin pale skin, with large brown eyes and shoulder length straight brown hair. She was wearing skinny jeans, floral Doc Martens and a red and white striped Hollister top. She looked very fashionable, yet casual. She was about the same height as me, and was very pretty.

 "Hi, I'm Emily, nice too meet you too!" I said happily, as I shook her hand and hugged her. Maybe this wasn't as bad as I thought it would be?

The girl on the middle bed stood up and came towards me. She too, was very pretty, yet different to Megan. She was a little bit shorter than me. She had gorgeous tanned skin, and long sandy blonde hair that reached her waist. Her eyes were a stunning electric blue colour that I always wish I had. She was wearing a pear of jeggings, fluffy socks, and a Jack Wills hoodie, an outfit I have found myself in many times.

"Hi Emily, I'm Laura, welcome to our room!" She said as she hugged me.

"Your bed is on the right, we put your suitcase next to it, do you want help unpacking?" Megan asked.

"Yes please!"

We spent about an hour unpacking. In that time we really got to know each other. After about ten minutes I felt like I had known them for years. They were both so nice and funny, I had never had friends like this before. Before my illness, I had a few friends, but they were nothing like me. were constantly partying, they didn't care about school. They were always trying to set me up with boys, or perr pressure me into something I didn't want to do, they were so reckless. When I told them I was anorexic, they thought I was some weirdo, half of them were so dumb they didn't even know what anorexia was. I've been friendless ever since.

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